Quick Question Plz Answer
Hello, I have been looking for a very VERY HARD to find "Magical / Blue" Amulet for a hella-long time!!!! I am beginning to wonder if it even exists... If anyone has seen this or positively knows it does exist plz reply. The mods for the amulet are as follows:
20% Increased attack speed - with +3 to Martial Arts.
"Kenshi's Amulet of Alacrity." or something to that nature.
If you have seen this amulet personally or positively KNOW FOR A FACT IT DOES INDEED EXIST, please reply....
I've been all over www.diabloii.net and to my knowledge there is NO link saying magical item mods etc etc.. whatever.
Thanks. Any replies would be appreciated nonetheless.
I grow tired of looking for this thing...
Hello, I have been looking for a very VERY HARD to find "Magical / Blue" Amulet for a hella-long time!!!! I am beginning to wonder if it even exists... If anyone has seen this or positively knows it does exist plz reply. The mods for the amulet are as follows:
20% Increased attack speed - with +3 to Martial Arts.
"Kenshi's Amulet of Alacrity." or something to that nature.
If you have seen this amulet personally or positively KNOW FOR A FACT IT DOES INDEED EXIST, please reply....
I've been all over www.diabloii.net and to my knowledge there is NO link saying magical item mods etc etc.. whatever.
Thanks. Any replies would be appreciated nonetheless.
I grow tired of looking for this thing...