BattleForums Addict
ok well i was a level 24 priest last night dwarven female priest at that, and i decided to take a trip to Ratchet over in Kalimdoor, well what happened after this was the most fun i reckon i ever had on the game. I was walking about and there was some two guys (alliance) 30's in lvl, had a little chat cos they didn't kno where the mail box was, we seperated our ways, and then my friend who was sitting next to me made me attack some level 6 horde guard type guy and i was like what the hell are you doing (this is the first time i've done anything fighting against horde) and then i got raped by some ?? Tauren think he was a warrior or something and a ??Undead Priest. Those other guys saw it so we decided to team up and headed towards some place Durotar there where like level 30 guards(tauren) around totally owned there arse, then we went to some troll place south of there then started owning some troll, we killed a butcher then these two level 55 guys came out and we run like hell, lucky they didn't come after me cos i was slow. Later on some other guys came on and we made a raid of 7 i think, ranging from my level to like level 5X or something, it was so funny and cool have you guys ever done shit like that you should, especially with a low level