Oh definetely. There is so much knowledge. But really, he was writing for himself, there is some quote he said, about how he wrote for his own pleasure, and if people liked it, that was a bonus, or something to that effect. Peeps guess what? I bought PC Gamer from my local convenience store up here in Canda yesterday. It comes with a demo disk. I normally only buy Gamepro, but this was a special Lotr Version. Had previews of all five lotr games coming out. Return of the King, War of the Ring, Middle Earth Online, The Hobbit, and finally, the biggest secret... EA is making their own RTS , and the screens are absolutely gorgeous. Im gonna try and post them with my scanner later. But essentaily, EA's game has this great AI where the soldiers will individually pair off and fight, and create battle lines, therefore you can see where the lines are weak, and reinforce them. Also, you can go down in a split second from Eagles eye view to normal view, shoulder level, and watch the action. IM SO EXCITED. PLUS, the demo disk had RotK!!! It was a courtyard in Minas Tirith. You played as Gandalf and lemme tell ya, he is one bada** mofo. He only had his quick and fierce attacks, as well as the magic attack you all might remember from the beginning of the Plains of Rohan level in TTT, only it's twice as powerful , and 3 times as cool. You gotta protect innocents while they flee into another part of the city. At 150 or so, two trolls come in and start smashing stuff up. Level are pretty destructable, you can destroy pillars that make the wall parts collapse causing more fire and death. The visuals are very good; although you can see the pixels, it is still being developped, acorrding to the mag. Looks like Ill have to get Gamecube and PC versions
. Overall, this game is twice as good as TTT at least. More background sounds (fell beasts, fighting, fire), and that's all I can say. I gotta go play the demo again. Go here to download the Demo off of Gamers Hell unless you wanna be spoiler free like TrongaMonga. WOOOT!!