Looking for ideas for my new FPS Map


May 25, 2003
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Hey, been awhile since I have been on BF but anyway, I am making a new FPS multiplayer map set in a halolike universe.

I am doing seperate classes each having pros and cons, I am a little short on class ideas and the pros and cons for each one so here's what I have so far:

Marine: Normal Vision, uses Machine Guns, Fastest movement speed except vehicles.

Sniper: Best vision, has the Zoom ability which sets up sentry wards in a direct line allowing the sniper to use pinpoint shots from far distances.

Engineer: The engineer can use vehicles like Tanks or Special Planes, I'm hoping I can find a way to let co-operative players Be on the same vehicle but only the engineer can drive, Creating a buyable Parachute item would be awesome for when the plane gets shot down you fall safely. The engineer can also sabotage another enemies vehicles causing instant destruction, (This maybe on a command when the engineer wants, since he would only be killing other engineers.)

Explosive Specialist (Need Name): The specialist can use Rocket Launchers and Grenades. The rocket launchers have a large area of effect damage, the grenades look like a mortar, I might use a leaplike ability and make the grenades an individual person but I am still unsure of a way to adjust power or accuracy for the throw.

That's all I have right now, I have most of the stuff planned out how I want it except a few things. I just need more class ideas or extra things I didn't mention in them.

Right now, I need a terrainer to help with creating the battlefield. But that's mostly it unless you can help me with some triggers.



Premium Member
Jul 15, 2003
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Hah incredibly I remember you when I registered battleforums you were full of ideas for making different RPGs.Unfortunately Ive gone far away from making maps but I'll check out who can help you.

Again good ideas.


Apr 12, 2004
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In a Box, on the side of the street
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I can help, just tell me what to do!


May 25, 2003
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Ha it was a long time ago, I've developed a few small maps here and there, but never publishing a big one, I constantly had ideas but I never had the ambition to finish them because a newer bigger idea popped into my head, but since I have done a few smaller projects I think I can commit now.

Right now, I need icons and terrain, JEsus is you have AIM message me at AmericanPigGuy

Right now, I'm developing the shoot button, you won't have to manually click on the unit unless I decide to change it to up the difficulty, maybe 2 different settings, but The shoot button will be an ability given by an item which each class starts out with, a unique item for that class, everytime you respawn you start with that weapon, You can pick up new weapons across the map but If you die, you lose them. Each of your starting weapons can level up increasing the damage, fire rate, or a number of things. The shoot ability is a spell, so it uses a cooldown, so what I am doing is using autocast, So using an assault rifle has a shorter cooldown than say a rocket launcher, letting you fire faster, this way it balanced the fire rates of the weapons. I also may add in where you can buy a new starting weapon like instead of the Marine starting with a Assault Rifle, he now starts with a shotgun or Combat rifle, these start at level one, buy you can purchase new levels with gold which of course is obtainable by killing enemys, engineers or other Non-specific combat units I think may recieve a timed bounty which gives you x amount of gold in x amount of time, and they can buy Liscenses to drive certain vehicles or something. I need more ideas like these, ways to enhance the buying system or class abilities.

I also might add a melee class, with an ability to like Charge at the unit and use a quick slash, you could buy different swords with different cooldowns, probably the faster the sword the less damage, or balancing in some method.

I still think I need more classes, so if you have an idea try to make a detailed explanation of what it does and stuff.

I also think I need some spellmakers, because I am having trouble making the shoot ability, I tried to make a new ability based of Cold arrow, but I don't know how to take the cold off, and I don't know how to make an item giving that ability, I am not exactly a fan of items and abilities. So I'm not sure if you need a spelleditor for this, but any advice you can give me is appreciated.

Anyways, if you have anything at all to comment, question, or something like that, feel free,.



May 25, 2003
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Ok, I need help, I'm trying to make my Level 1 Assult Rifle add the ability shoot, So I made the ability shoot of the spell Cold Arrows. Then I tried using a Cloak of Shadows as an item and Changed the ability to Shoot, I've tried changing alot of different things, but I just cant get the item to add the skill shoot to my character. Please if you know how please Help!


Apr 12, 2004
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In a Box, on the side of the street
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send me the map i can help with every thing but balancing units


May 25, 2003
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Freak, I really would like your AIM, if you have, it would be better to talk over that, I don't really need any help except terrain and icons which I can explain over Aol Messenger. I am progressing pretty well, and already have the first line of assault rifles finished.

The marine starts with the weapon of the Automatic Pistol. It shoots at .50 cooldown, and does like 5 damage.

Then if you buy the upgrade from the shop, it will put a special box or something in a corner of the map, I will create a trigger saying if player owns this box, then he starts with the assault rifle. The assault rifle fires faster, but does the same damage. (I did this last night I forget the %'s.

The next upgrade is the automatic rifle. The speed downgrades but the damage goes up by like 4, and you get like either critical strike, or some skill like that, I'm thinking of something like called puncture, where you there's a chance the bullet hits and causes critical damage. Or if I decide to have armor (which is a good chance), the automatic rifle will have Armor piercing bullets which has like a 50% chance to ignore armor. Something along the lines of this, post what you think is a good idea.

Then you receive the combat rifle, The combat rifle fires faster than all of it's predescors and does the same damage as the automatic Rifle. The Combat rifle does not have the bonus of the Critical Strike from the AutoRifle, but does have a 2x zoom, which has a 10% chance to headshot and 1 hit kill.

The zoom will be a system of sentry wards. Zoom is based of the skill immolation, so I am a little worried if I can't take off the Fire. I did manage to take of damage and stuff but I'm not sure about fire. If you think of another skill like immolation where it goes on and off please tell me. When you activate zoom, depending on the magnetism, Sentry wards will appear directly in front of you. Your weapons only have a certain amount of range, but if your using a sniper rifle with 10x zoom, it's range will be enough to hit at the furthest point, since you can only shoot things you have visible, I believe this is a fair system.

Marines also have the ability to crouch or go prone. These are based off defend, when activated the unit's speed is reduced, but it's evasion goes up 10%. In prone, your movements speed is reduced further, but your evasion goes higher.

Thats just a few of the abilities I have finished. (Zoom isn't quite done, but almost) There are 4 classes; Marine *Machine Guns, Crouch and Prone*, Sniper *Sniper Rifles, Needs other bonusesneed ideas*, DemolitionMan *RocketLaunchers,Grenades*, Engineer *Vehicle Driver, PlantExplosivesonVehicle, Can repair Vehicles or Turrets, Can also build and use turrets, Has a crap melee attack with a wrench*

Right now, I need item ideas, So far, I just have Camouflage and Sensor, which counter each other, Camouflage gives you shadowmeld, and Sensor gives you True sight, I really need more item ideas.


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