Looking for a clan


Nov 6, 2003
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Kamloops BC
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Hey with all the people that use this forum there has to be someone that runs or is part of a clan....I am looking to be part of one...I have been a few before but I am kind of getting sick of logging in and finding out hey look! I am not in a clan anymore! I play mostly team games so when I go looking for a clan and they say hey well one on one me and we will see I just leave. When all you play is team games a one on one might as well be a japanese student comming to canada and being told to recite the anthem before learning how to....IMO. Anyways I am looking for a stable clan that is pretty active, kind of defeates the purpose of joining with the intention of playing AT games when noone is ever online... I have over 1000 games on my record with a 49% win ratio which has been climbing. Level 20 mostly play humand, working on my 3rd icon. Anyways just thought I would throw that out there. On US West by the way

Beer $lut

BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 21, 2003
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teds pants
DarkScream said:
Hey with all the people that use this forum there has to be someone that runs or is part of a clan....I am looking to be part of one...I have been a few before but I am kind of getting sick of logging in and finding out hey look! I am not in a clan anymore! I play mostly team games so when I go looking for a clan and they say hey well one on one me and we will see I just leave. When all you play is team games a one on one might as well be a japanese student comming to canada and being told to recite the anthem before learning how to....IMO. Anyways I am looking for a stable clan that is pretty active, kind of defeates the purpose of joining with the intention of playing AT games when noone is ever online... I have over 1000 games on my record with a 49% win ratio which has been climbing. Level 20 mostly play humand, working on my 3rd icon. Anyways just thought I would throw that out there. On US West by the way
Whats your account maybe i can recommend you to someone.


Premium Member
Jul 15, 2003
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Hehe Pan. You're not in xckx, DL_ is not there, if the good solo players arent there why should i?

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