Premium Member
Lol, your just wastin your time. If i were you, id already be rolling in da $$Bling Bling$$From KowKing8600: I believe diablo is a great game...infact i make money off of it. I sell characters to people. I make the characters, don't use any stat or skill points, get them to high lvls and people buy them off of me. Of course they make the name and such and choose what lvl they want the character(s) at. But so far i have made a couple hundred dollars for playing a game. Now tell me how that isn't awsome.
Instead of wastin your time with elixers and fithing monsters, just use a trainer and in a couple of quick easy min, boost yourself up to lvl 99 without even playing. You can find a monster list of Diablo trainers out there on almost any search engine.