BattleForums Senior Member
When l first joined Battleforums, it had all the favorites we mostly appriciate now [ln which all have left to a degree] but when that beautiful summer broke, this place went to trash. The server became almost inactive and l could barely post due to so many noobs with their bad grammar and spelling words with letters. lnstead of creating tons of threads complaining about the noob grammar, l decided to follow the tried and true cliche: lt is easier to change yourself then everybody else. So l did. When the noob wave arrived, the arcane sancturary became one of the worst forums on BF. UMS is also hopeless. So l leave you with nothing in your hands, withought a trace and finally a lesson you should learn.
Just like every leaving thread, theres a list of people for some reason; so the following moderators deserve to be mods:
Edit: No hearts, seks, or stupid poems in this thread as a final request. lt feels like a newer form of spam.
Just like every leaving thread, theres a list of people for some reason; so the following moderators deserve to be mods:
Edit: No hearts, seks, or stupid poems in this thread as a final request. lt feels like a newer form of spam.