Assuming you can't get g-rushed...
For lvl's 1-24 join a chant game. It's much faster than all those trist/tomb runs. Here's what you need, though...
- a full game (or close to full)
- money for a bow and arrows
- black marsh wp (lvl 1-12 in black marsh and the tower)
- cata 2 wp (lvl again, more importantly kill andy and get to a2)
- far oasis wp (lvl from 12-15 here and maybe soem in lost city whiel getting the staff + ammy)
- ravenclaw bow (fires explosive arrows - kills strong packs faster)
- arcane wp for summoner, then tombs
Always try to kill alone for best xp. This method gets you lvl 24 in 1 hour. It's faster than trist/tomb runs and you stay in one game the whole time.