Let's talk about Demon's Souls

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A.K.A. The greatest video game of all time.

Got this bitch a week ago and almost havent stopped playing it in my spare time. Hardest game I've ever played, most realistic (well not realistic as in rofl deamons and dragons! but realistic as in if the giant monster with a sword that's 50x bigger than you hits you with that sword you're fucking dead.), and fun as fuck to boot.

PS3 only, sorry faggets who can't afford the trey.


Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
never heard of it Ill check it out on the tube, more importantly do you use pro tools?
edit: this game looks fuckin tight, i dont play my ps3 much or else id probably be getting it today. ill probably try talking my buddy into gettin it with me.

how many hours of gameplay have you put in and how many would you say it has?
not another fallout 3 is it?

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Well, it took me 5 hours just to beat the first full level. But that's because you die really fast and the learning curve on the game is retardedly hard.

But, from what peopel have told me they get a good 50 hours in PER runthruogh, most peopel do 5 - 6 runthroughs before they get completely bored with the game. But it's not like games like Mass Effect or Fable or KOTOR where you have the "good", the "evil" and the neutral storylines. The game is dynamic and changes greatly just depending on what NCP's you talk to, who you save, what enemies you kill, so on and so forth.

And one of the greatest things about it (well, not at first) is that the more you die the harder the game becomes. And it gets significantly harder.

Once you finish the main story you can start a New Game + which keeps all your shit. Stats, items, magic, then boosts the living hell out of the enemies and bosses in the game.

Character customization isn't the best (start with one of eight classes - the only difference between them are your starting stats and the equipment, with 4 of the classes able to cast spells - 2 healers, 2 nukers) out of the gate, but it's a game that's actually fully customizable with your stats. So you could start off as a priest and just mash str and vitality and become this uber healing tanking beast. Or you could go Royalty and keep your stats even and be a jack of all trades.

The online / multiplayer of the game is weird. It's not the same multiplayer that you're used to. You can use these items in game that let you be summoned by other players into there game and you help them out with the level they're on. Or you can invade their game as an enemy, hang out with the other enemies on the level and gank the player, kill him, and loot shit off his body.

And I'm fully fluent in ProTool, CoolEditPro and Ac!d.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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I can afford a Ps3, but why bother for a couple of exclusive games. I'd rather just have a better PC to play on.


Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
The game sounds fuckin sick, I may rent it I dont play games that much and I barely ever play ps3 now. Actually the last time I played ps3 at my house was the first week I played GTA, when it was first released.

Can you use protools without having their hardware soundcard?

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Nope. It's not a soundcard that you're picking up either. It's an interface that lets you record and mix and other such bullshitteries.

Bang for your buck starting out going with either FL Stuidios XXL Producers + all the Rob Papen VST's you can get your hands on + Cool Edit Pro OR Ac!d if you want to get into it is your best bet. Cubase is ok, Albeton live is ok, Propeller head is alright, CAKEWALK Sonar is pretty cool. But what I got most used to was FLstudios and CEP cause it's super easy.

Doesn't give you the greatest sound right out of the box and theres a shitload of eq and balancing work you need to figure out for all the internal bullshit, but once you figure that out (took me about a collective 2 years) you can pretty much have it all set from the start and just go creating

Pro tools is garbage for the most part, but it's 'industry standard' so everyone uses it. Literally everyone.

But what are you asking for, I can help you out with other shit if you let me in.


Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
nothin serious just gettin domed and playin my synth with a buddy.
been playin with fl studios for the past few nights. stopped when i couldnt figure out how to make the file length longer

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