Diablo II 09 Realm! It rocks ,and we need more members!
The Downloads section on the site is down, ill give direct links, and mods just scan them real quick, clean as a whistle. - This will downgrade your patch as needed. be Sure to back up your 1.10 files in a DIR to use it again - This is the required registry file to load the realm.
You can also get gateway editor here :
Diablo II 09 Realm! It rocks ,and we need more members!
The Downloads section on the site is down, ill give direct links, and mods just scan them real quick, clean as a whistle. - This will downgrade your patch as needed. be Sure to back up your 1.10 files in a DIR to use it again - This is the required registry file to load the realm.
You can also get gateway editor here :
This is great guys, Map hack is a non bannable offence, if we get lots of people it will be even more of a success.Realm Rules
Here Are Some Basic Rule For The Diablo II 1.09d Realm Brought To You By The Azmodan Team
1. No Botting - Anyone Caught Botting Will Be Banned For Life
2. No D2hackIt - Log Files Of The Games Will Be Searched For Any D2hackit Use, You Will Be Banned
3. No Hack Or Game Exploits - Anyone Caught Messing Up The Game Will Be Banned
4. No Scamming - Anyone Caught Scamming Will Be Given A Warning. 2 Warnings And You Are Banned
5. No PK'ing - Anyone Caught PK'ing Will Be Given A Warning. 2 Warnings And You Are Banned. Dueling Is Fine. If All People Participating In Te Duel Agree To It You Are Fine.
No TPPK Is Allow, Use Of TPPK Will Get You Instantly Banned.
6. No Channel Bots - Channel Bots Lag The Server. Anyone Using a Channel Bot Will Have The IP Of The Bot Banned, Therefore Banning The Owner Of The Bot.
7. No Spamming And Or Flooding - Anyone Caught Spamming The Channels Will Be Given A Warning. Also Whispering Some Repeatedly Will Give You A Warning.
8. No Personal Attacks - Anyone Caught Making Personal Attacks Will Be Given A Warning Point.
9. No MultiClienting - You Are Not Allowed To Have More Than One Char Logged In From The Same Account. If You Are Behind a Router And More Than 1 Person From The Same
Household Wants To Play Please Tell Me or Another Realm Admin And Then Using 2 Different Account You Will Be Allowed To Connect Twice Using The Same IP
Some Things That ARE Allowed Are As Followed:
1. Maphack
2. HcHack
3. Rushing
(-)The Azmodan Staff(-)