I use lots to kill vultures with tanks... lots arent too bad vs vults themselves, and opposing tanks do the rest... tanks, vults, mines, and lots are pretty explosive i think. its a 3 in 1 deal.
if its tvp u should definently have zlots around because of tanks.. speed zlots are great counter vs a tank push and to take out mines but i usually make goons take out mine but o well
The basic PvT strategy is to get zealots vs tanks, dragoons to add range and armor and to counter vults, DTs to add damage, HTs to storm and in late game carriers + zealots to finish off tank pushes.
I say you go with the flow....if someone goes air of course you won't make Zealots...but if someone goes lings or mass tanks...then speed upgrade and send in the zealots.
When protoss. It is essential to make zealots early to counter rushes and they work well in all MU's anyway.
Gamers will not just go ALL air anyway. Unless they are brainless. You need to mix at least two units to combat most counters and to deal maximum damage. Thats why Carrier + Zealot is so good.
Zeals + carriers are good because they do a lot of damage to tank pushes. Zealots waste tanks in mode and carriers add firepower. If u combine zeals + carriers then golliaths have to take care of both air and ground units, and they dont really deal much damage to mass zealots.
i use zealots all the way to the end. I like to build a force of them and goons. Then take an arbiter fly over there minerals on their main base and use recall and totally kill them. Good strategy that works because you will get your units out before the arbiter dies.
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