Lag trade hack on useast


Sep 29, 2003
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just a few minutes ago i was almost ****ed by that new "lag trade hack" you may have remebered it from a thred on here a while ago. Im not %100 sure that that waht it was but heres what happenrd to me:

I got into a game with call enigma here. I was desprate for an enigma so i got all my best items together abnd went hunting for trades. this guy comes up with a 1121 def enigma. i put up 4 290's and a ss then he says stop. He says that will be enough. I was think wtf and was abot to type somthing and the trade window closes. I heard the sound of the armor being moved as soon as the trade window closed. Thinking of a thread i saw on the forums a few weeks ago... i put the items back up and kept open my chat box. Sure enough, it happened again. I wasn't about to take a gamble and assume that he can't trade hack so I tell him i know he has a lag trade hack and he goes crazy. He spams that "it just lagged" and "there is no such thing" so i left.

any ideas?


Jun 9, 2003
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he just doing the old tradehack module of course it doesnt work since its patched..... now when u execute it all it will do is pick up the item and put it back down really fast (explains the sound of armor you heard CHING!) and then closes the trade window.

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