I keep gettin really annoyin lag problems in cs 1.6. i use to play all the time but then quit cs for awhile. my computer got a virus and i ended up reformattin and now i play again, but now i have bad lag problems. i fixed most of the general lag but now i spike when i spray around ppl like if im gettin rushed or am just randomly shooting at spawn. i can get my fps to boost to 120 with developer 1 and my rates are the same as what i always used before. rate 9999 cl_cmdrate 33 cl_updaterate 55. sometimes my choke boosts to about 3 but otherwise its usually at 0. i have comcast cable and geforce t1 4200 video card. vertical sync is off and im not sure if write combinin should b on or off or if it helps at all. i just dunno what to do anymore. any help?