at most ums games, i am a pro at. i have played al of them basicaly, cept rpgs, i hate rpgs. waste of time. when a new version of something comes out, its still the same game basically, so im stil a pro at it. dont matter if its rigged or anything. and about map hacks, honestly, i never use it unless needed. like if i wanted to see if a map was rigged on a golemz game, i use it and see wats in reds bunker, then i shut it off. that easy. i dont use it in melee, ruins the fun. and i know u can get fined from blizzard for having such things, but how is it ilegal? doesnt make sense to me. anyways, a newb to me is someone that dont know wat the hell they are doing, always ask ?'s, are rele gay about everything, and i always know wat im doind after 5 minutes of playing a game. so im never a newb, well, ok, for 5 min im a newb, but thats it. so yeah, and i challenge you to a golemz game. twisted_strike......if u are scared, thats ok.
BW sn : SSGTGunny