Greetings from Just all Gamers
Hello members of Battle Forums, I am Jag-P.I.M.P.Y from Just all Gamers, We are currently recruiting hardcore people. We have been around since October at the end of the patch 1.09. We play USEAST HCL
We are not a clan but a group of gamers. Though we have some laws also. We play different games such as SWG (Star wars galaxies), Diablo 2. Those are the section that has more members. You can find us at
If you feel like to join us, you can drop us a line at in our guest forum.
Channel: op jagd2
When you join, you don’t have to make a new account, you can simply just make a new character with the JaG tag in it (ie: Jag-Xes). To join you need a recruiter, any members can recruit.
You can message me anytime on; I usually get on around 4:00 pm eastern
My contact information.
Aim: interglowing
msn: account: xescom (with a o not a zero).
Hello members of Battle Forums, I am Jag-P.I.M.P.Y from Just all Gamers, We are currently recruiting hardcore people. We have been around since October at the end of the patch 1.09. We play USEAST HCL
We are not a clan but a group of gamers. Though we have some laws also. We play different games such as SWG (Star wars galaxies), Diablo 2. Those are the section that has more members. You can find us at
If you feel like to join us, you can drop us a line at in our guest forum.
Channel: op jagd2
When you join, you don’t have to make a new account, you can simply just make a new character with the JaG tag in it (ie: Jag-Xes). To join you need a recruiter, any members can recruit.
You can message me anytime on; I usually get on around 4:00 pm eastern
My contact information.
Aim: interglowing
msn: account: xescom (with a o not a zero).