Ok.. just to help you all out a little. It spreads via a buffer overflow of the rpc service causing a hidden window cmd line to be active. And Korrittke, they put the files on there via tftp, not ftp. And blocking port 134 and 139? Uh, the rpc service runs through 135 guy. And yes to 69 though (tftp) - Of course, since windows has had an update out since July, if you're infected, it's your own fault. I demonstrated the ease and quickness of this on someone in the irc channel if anyone was there.. Of course, if you are behind your router, you're fairly safe unless you're an idiot who just has every port accessed on the router fowarded to the same port on your computer. And no, your firewall is not going to stop it. If you're running zonealarm and out of nowhere the scvhost.exe program asks for rights to access the local internet/act as server, deny it and count it as you being almost infected. You don't need to allow scvhost to access the net anyway.
http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=13100032 - article released as the worm started spreading. It was only a matter of time before it came out so no suprise there.
By the way johnq, just so you know, having norton is like having 5 year old virus protection. It seems to be the easiest virus scanner to avoid.