Mishra2324: hey chris
Thongx4: ?
Necrodude87: hey
Mishra2324: black messages
Mishra2324: can't read em
Mishra2324: speak infidel
Thongx4: ?
Lotusville2005: ?
Mishra2324: LOL
Mishra2324: der u are
Mishra2324: i wanna ask u chris
Mishra2324: y won't ufc give any support to clan RM just because of like 3 members that dislike me
Thongx4: why would i kno
Mishra2324: because ur the co-leader
Mishra2324: and my brother's position is open
Mishra2324: and he wants me 2 have it
Thongx4: lol
Thongx4: well
Mishra2324: and trake is harassing me
Thongx4: thats gonan b hard
Thongx4: considerin
Thongx4: eva gave up being a leader
Mishra2324: wel
Thongx4: and u have no leader support
Mishra2324: jag and trunks want me bak in
Thongx4: since matt nor jag liek u
Mishra2324: dude
Mishra2324: jag is my homie
Thongx4: lol
Thongx4: right..
Thongx4: not according to what he tells me
Mishra2324: o rly
Mishra2324: LOL
Mishra2324: when he tell u that?>
Thongx4: here and there
Mishra2324: not lateley
Mishra2324: lol
Mishra2324: trusted me enuff to let my friend mule his occy ring
Mishra2324: u der?
Thongx4: yea
Mishra2324: ima do u a favor
Mishra2324: dun talk to trake for a sec
Mishra2324: ima ask him what he thinks about U
Mishra2324: without ur intervention
Mishra2324: k?
Mishra2324: he sed ur koo
Thongx4: i dun care
Mishra2324: LOL
Mishra2324: do me 1 favor
Mishra2324: in about a month
Mishra2324: i wanna host a dueling tournament
Mishra2324: Trakester: btw, your skull shit, is SO ****ING GAY YOU LOSER
Mishra2324: wel
Thongx4: skull?
Mishra2324: i dunno what his problem is
Mishra2324: anyway
Mishra2324: i wanna host a 4 on 4 dueling tourney around christmas
Thongx4: team duels are gay
Thongx4: so dun ask me
Mishra2324: FFA
Mishra2324: 4 of mine
Mishra2324: 4 of urs
Mishra2324: ffa
Mishra2324: FREE-FOR-ALL
Mishra2324: and
Mishra2324: i wanna c how many members cheat
Mishra2324: and scrn shotts will tell all
Mishra2324: ima rate my members just as i will urs
Mishra2324: u up 4 it?
Lotusville2005 has left the room.
Mishra2324: .........
Necrodude87: if ignorance was bliss, trake would be the happiest person in the world
Thongx4: lol
Thongx4: looks like
Mishra2324: huh?
Thongx4: not only u
Thongx4: dislike trake
Thongx4: in u clan
Mishra2324: everyone does b-cause he's the 1 that ****ed up relations between ufc and RM
Thongx4: lol
Thongx4: how
Mishra2324: pissed off aaron and mike
Thongx4: cuz he beat u guys
Mishra2324: dude
Mishra2324: umm NO
Mishra2324: wen he was a newblar
Mishra2324: he kept ****in with us
Mishra2324: remember that time i dueled him, kicked his ass, he called u an matt?
Thongx4: trakes
Thongx4: never been newblar int he history u known him dude
Mishra2324: an i called aaron and mike
Thongx4: thats what u fell to understand
Mishra2324: LOL
Mishra2324: LMAO
Mishra2324: ROFL
Thongx4: he doesn;t have items on expac
Mishra2324: do me a favor
Thongx4: that is understandable
Thongx4: but
Thongx4: he can destroy u with his classic account
Mishra2324: i dun care about classic
Thongx4: then
Thongx4: hes not a newblar
Mishra2324: WELL
Mishra2324: i respect hardcore ppl
Mishra2324: tho i dun give a shit what they can do
Mishra2324: i rate them on what they can do in MY class
Mishra2324: so do me a favor
Mishra2324: dun say anything til after the ffa
Thongx4: i dun care bout this convo
Mishra2324: really?
Thongx4: only rthign that grasped my attention was
Mishra2324: ...\
Thongx4: trake sayini am koo
Mishra2324: listen
Mishra2324: u want me 2 tell u what we did last month to lorings?
Necrodude87: we kicked loring's ass
Necrodude87: that's what
Thongx4: so?
Thongx4: i dun even kno who lorings are
Mishra2324: owned about 30 of der members
Thongx4: mish that snice
Mishra2324: it's that bog 500-piece clan
Thongx4: anything else?
Mishra2324: i wanted rm to get bak into good relations with ufc
Thongx4: who said they are in bad?
Mishra2324: ??
Thongx4: i nbever hear any1 in ufc speak of rm
Mishra2324: umm TRAKE
Thongx4: trake
Thongx4: never speaks of rm
Mishra2324: o yah
Mishra2324: lol
Thongx4: unless
Mishra2324: LMAO
Thongx4: its one of those days
Thongx4: where u ask us to duel
Mishra2324: i walk in the channel and he kicks anyone from rm out
Mishra2324: he's banned half the clan
Mishra2324: LOL
Thongx4: lol
Thongx4: and since when
Thongx4: does trake have admin?
Mishra2324: i dunno
Mishra2324: but he did
Thongx4: cuz he don;t
Thongx4: mish this is how i see it
Thongx4: u contact me tellin me not to say anythind
Thongx4: then
Thongx4: u say
Thongx4: i wanna se ehwo cheats in tourny
Thongx4: ever heard of the art of war?
Mishra2324: not trake
Mishra2324: anyone
Mishra2324: my members
Mishra2324: ur members
Thongx4: ever heard of the art of war
Mishra2324: i dunno about ufc now
Mishra2324: but rm believes cheating is bullshit
Thongx4: art of war is destroy ur enemies from with in
Mishra2324: ive limited no iths
Mishra2324: NO ITHS
Mishra2324: cept in cows
Mishra2324: max 500 pzen
Thongx4: mish
Thongx4: thats nice
Mishra2324: no scrolling, slow, nk
Thongx4: that ur clan
Thongx4: nto ours
Mishra2324: has decency
Thongx4: we are more
Thongx4: of
Thongx4: cowing
Thongx4: havin fun
Thongx4: not bs loyalty to a dueling creed
Mishra2324: ur starting to sound like emparthy
Mishra2324: ufc used to be THE DUELING CLAN
Thongx4: fc
Thongx4: was dueling
Thongx4: but
Thongx4: we grown relationships with members
Thongx4: and came to realize
Thongx4: dueling is not all the best shit
Thongx4: cuz no matter wat happens
Thongx4: some dumbass will ALWAYS COMPLAIN
Mishra2324: lmao
Mishra2324: 1 sec
Mishra2324: lemme give u my url
Mishra2324: here''
Thongx4: and why would i want to see this?
Mishra2324: wel
Mishra2324: that's how weve been pooling members
Thongx4: and this has relevance in this convo how?
Mishra2324: umm, those r the rules
Necrodude87: UMM YAH
Thongx4: for ur clan
Thongx4: relevance to ufc how?
Thongx4: understand this dude
Thongx4: even if u do become a co leader
Thongx4: u have n power in ufc
Thongx4: all u cna do is
Thongx4: kick
Thongx4: unlike me
Thongx4: i am workin as a leader
Thongx4: yet with co leader status
Mishra2324: ...
Thongx4: i am just syain
Thongx4: even if u do become a co leader
Thongx4: nothin u say will change
Thongx4: ask ur brother
Mishra2324: wel, i hope 2 host more dueling games
Thongx4: if he had any power
Thongx4: wat so ever
Mishra2324: and actually my bro
Thongx4: when he was co leader
Mishra2324: tells me
Thongx4: and i mena
Thongx4: actual power
Thongx4: not just kick
Mishra2324: he was like the master of ceremonies
Thongx4: ceremonies as in wat?
Mishra2324: arranging duels
Thongx4: lol
Mishra2324: better dueler
Thongx4: he never aranged nothin
Thongx4: all he would do is wat the rest did
Mishra2324: LMAO
Mishra2324: lol
Southspade: oh crap i 4got abou this chat
Thongx4: any1 want to duel come to game blah blah blah
Mishra2324: did i tell u
Mishra2324: i recieved his acct
Thongx4: i figured
Mishra2324: apparently after brian took it
Southspade: so what happened while i was gone, i dont feel like scrolling up
Mishra2324: he kept it
Mishra2324: and left everything on it
Mishra2324: but used it as a mule for his shit too
Southspade: you who
Mishra2324: i aquired like 4 stormshields in addition to his 3
Thongx4: another thing
Thongx4: goin on ur bros account
Mishra2324: and i got a windy
Thongx4: speakin to me
Thongx4: is not wise
Southspade: never mind, i'll just put it back nito minimized form, i'll be back in like 5 if i rememeber
Mishra2324: that was my bro
Thongx4: yea
Mishra2324: i dun no chromium and crhomium2
Thongx4: same bro who despised ur guts
Mishra2324: i got chromium3 from blizz
Thongx4: same bro who ajcked items from ur account when u lef ur account runnin
Mishra2324: lol
Mishra2324: and i took em bak
Thongx4: yea
Thongx4: point is
Mishra2324: but he always did hate trake
Thongx4: i doubt that was chrm speakin
Necrodude87: actually he did
Necrodude87: and he was speaking
Thongx4: best part is
Thongx4: i see trake gettin chrom spot first then u
Mishra2324: lmao, my bro would rather come back than let trake take it
Thongx4: just cuz matt dun liek u
Mishra2324: matt dun like aaron
Thongx4: aaron is?
Mishra2324: cause aaron is uncontrollable
Thongx4: real life friend aaron
Mishra2324: wirt_pvp
Thongx4: no clu who that is
Mishra2324: deat2004
Mishra2324: nvm
Thongx4: is he in ur clan?
Mishra2324: yah
Mishra2324: death2004
Thongx4: thats why
Mishra2324: wirt_pvp
Thongx4: i care less fo rur members
Thongx4: all i kno is uin it
Mishra2324: lol
Mishra2324: only if u knew
Thongx4: knew?
Mishra2324: ive had like 6 of ur members leave ufc and join me
Thongx4: so
Thongx4: mish u dun grasp the concept
Thongx4: that i dun care for this pety competition u apparently have with ufc
Necrodude87: ima send u this
Necrodude87: (|) kiss it
Necrodude87: lmao
Necrodude87: that's probably eva's ass
Necrodude87: w/e
Necrodude87 has left the room.
Mishra2324: i dun care n e more
Mishra2324: jus do 1 thing for me
Thongx4: so is this convo over/
Thongx4: ?
Mishra2324: gimme member access for one month
Mishra2324: ONE month
Thongx4: umm faile dto grasp i am a co leader
Thongx4: i can't do shit out in the open
Mishra2324: LOL