jmcn R
Jmcn R’s Big Shallow Pocket Sale (EAST SC NL)
I recently got back into D2 running my third week now, haven’t played too much but I have massed a lot of things I need to get rid off especially to make up for a muling accident and one prized item that bugged on me. This stuff is mostly totally inexpensive (hence the title) and if there is a deal to be made I will make it rain or shine…just let me know your thoughts. Post a message here if you see something to your liking or PM me directly if we need to negotiate. I am looking for general items for most things here. I am somebody that actually trades and I do not wait for godly things to drop in my lap. So offer what you think you have….no reasonable offer refused!!
*~*Crafting Paradise*~* !!Perfect Crafting Bundle!!
-Chipped Gems (assorted) 50+++
3 chips > 1 perf.
2 chips > tal/ral/ort. 5 chips > thul/amn. 8 chips > sol/shael. 10 chips > dol/hel.
3 chips > Sigons Visor/Sabot/Guard/Wrap. 5 Chips > Sigs Shelter/Milabrega Robe.
15-40 chips > any decent exceptional unique/set item.
-Magic Amulets (random crafters) 50+++
5 ammy > 1 perf
5 ammy > tal/ral/ort. 8 ammy > thul/amn. 10 ammy > sol/shael. 12 ammy > dol/hel.
15-40 ammy > any decent exceptional unique/set item.
-Magic Jewels (random crafters) 30
2 jewels > 1 perf
3 jewels > thul/amn. 6 jewels > sol/shael. 10 jewels > dol/hel.
10-20 jewels > any decent exceptional unique/set item.
!!Make your offers! Totally negotiable! Cheap quick way to craft elite jewelry and items.!!
*Also have Perfs but due to constant trade these numbers will vary. Private message if interested.
*~*Normal Set Special*~* !!Items for when you haven’t reached 60!!
Will sell most single set items for 2-5 Perfs Each or Thul/Amn/Sol/Shael/Dol/Hel depending on which item. Will Trade Complete packages or bundle with extras for decent Exceptional Unique/Set items.
Angelic (Wings, Mantle)
Arcana (Flesh, Head, DeathWand)
Artic (Binding x2, Mitts )
Beserkers (Hatchet, Headgear)
Cathans (Seal, Mesh)
Civerbs (Cudgel)
Cleglaws (Pincers, Tooth x2, Clawx2)
Death's (Touch, Guard)
Hsaru (Iron Fist)
Infernal (Sign x2, Cranium, Torch)
Irathas (Cord)
Isenharts (Case x2, Horns)
Sanders (RipRap, SuperStition)
Sigons (Gage x3, Sabot)
Tancreds (Crowbill x2)
Vidala (Barb, Fetlock)
*~*Normal Unique Clearance*~* !!Solid And Reliable at a Low Price!!
Will trade most items for 3-8 Perfs or Thul/Amn/Sol/Shael/Dol/Hel runes. Also will accept good charms with +skills, all resistances etc.
Bonesnap Maul
Bloodthief Brandistock x2
Lance of Yaggai Spetum
Razortine Trident
Battlebranch Poleaxe
Soul Harvest Scythe
Deathspade Axe
The Generals Tan Do Li Ga Flail
Gleamscythe Falchion
Ripsaw Flamberge
The Patriarch Great Sword (Eth)
The Patriarch Great Sword
Raven Claw Long Bow
Stormstrike Short Battle Bow
Darkglow Ringmail
Greyform Quilted Armor
RattleCage Gothic Plate
Venomward Breast Plate
Rockfleece Field Plate
Swordback Hold Spiked Shield
Biggins Bonnet Cap
!!!!Everything above can be negotiated on and will deal well with packages. I need items for my new characters badly as my Level 75 Assassin does not like heavy gloves. If there is something you want just ask I will try work out any deal!!!!
PM me for negotiation or leave messages here. I am on US East /w *jureidini or *jureidini2