I am havin problems with my jed 2.01a. I just got it the other day so i am new to it. What its doing is on the meph sorc run it wants to fill my belt up which is no problem with me its just it fails to by them. so when it doesnt buy them it restarts the run over and over and so on. So i filled the belt up myself turned it and it went to workin right, well theres when prob #2 come about now it will turn on energy shield and ts but not shiver armor it doesnt even turn ne of those armors on, my sorc can handle it without it but i think she would be better with it ok besides that prob i found it had a nother problem it wouldnt tele in the right place on some games it would restart and make a new game, also is it supposed to use static to kill meph all the time? plz help i have no idea what to do.