Jamella For Noobs


Aug 27, 2003
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Well i made this for all the people who arent sure on how to make hacked items work without getting errors. Just in case there are some in this forum.

-=Step 1, Your Character's Setup=-

Make a character in wich you want hacked items(I use a barb because hacking the swords is teh best!)

Go to the rouge camp and DROP EVERYHTING YUOR CHARACTER HAS. This includes watever he is equiped with, scrolls and potions.

Next save and exit, then shut off diablo.

-=Step 2, Hacking your Items=-

Now open up Jamella(I use the beta of 1.09b) and click on inventory. Select the item you want to hack the crap out of.
Don't add sockets to rings, ammulets or whatever isnt suposed to have sockets because it will screw up your character.
Also dont add any MF or Find Gems to your items because you will get and error that says bad inventory data. Don't make the stats of your item excede its limit because you will also get a bad inventory data error.
Make sure to save your items and save your character freequently.

-=Step 3, The Part Most Don't Know=-
Do not equip your character with your hacked items in Jamella. Instead put them in your inventory so you don't get a "Bad Dead Boddies" error.

That's all, I think. If you want to make your items white then look at my guide in one of the stickies. I think its Open B.net

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