I've red the sticky,and didn't help me,questions about the 27 trick map



does anyone here can beat the 27 trick map??

if you can,can you post how you did all 27 here?thx!


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
[COLOR=33DD33]Can you perhaps send the map? I could help you if I had it, but I don't. I used to so I know what you're talking about and I think I've beaten it before. Can you send it over BF?[/COLOR]



Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
That one is a bit out dated. The new one is attached and how to do them is desrcribed below.(Not written by me)
1) Permanently cloak a zergling
a) Put the arbiter just within cloaking range of the zergling
b) Burrow the ling
c) Set the arbiter to patrol away from the ling
d) Just as the arbiter comes within cloaking range of the ling, unburrow the ling.

2) Fling an SCV
a) Start building a supply depot near the tanks
b) As the SCV is somewhat over the tanks, cancel the building

3) Hop a wall (2 ways to do it)
Method 1
a) Burrow a ling near the marines
b) Put the other ling on top of the one that is burrowed
c) Unburrow the burrowed ling
Method 2
a) Burrow a ling near the marines
b) Put the other ling on top of the one that is burrowed, and burrow it
c) Unburrow both

4) Kill the civilian
a) Just attack the critter with your firebat (simple eh?)

5) Stack buildings
a) Hotkey probe (i.e- Ctrl+1)
b) Turn off the lights by bringing the light changer to the off beacon
c) Select the probe with the hotkey (press 1)
d) Build a nexus and probe, then a gateway all on top of each other

6) Walk through the units
a) Just right-click on the mineral patch and sit back

7) Get both units to same side
a) Tell Kerrigan (i believe...) to go to the side switching beacon
b) Select one of the 2 units that switch sides and order it to move

8) Kill a Lurker
a) Put the marine on the beacon and siege the tank
b) Attack the marine with your siege tank

9) Stop a turret
a) Select the observer
b) Repeatedly right click on the turret
c) As the observer moves over the turret, press hold position (easiest to push 'h')

10) Crush a tank
a) Lift off the building
b) Land the building
c) Order the tank to move under the building and siege before the building lands

11) Walk through minerals
a) Have the probe begin to mine minerals
b) Build a pylon that will cover the probe
c) Shift-click to the other side of the minerals (not required, but is much more efficient and is not luck based)

12) Pass gas
a) Build a refinery
b) Cancel it once the scv is on it
c) Repeatedly right click towards the right

13) Float a drone
a) Trap 1 drone entirely in with the other 4 (easiest to do in a corner)
b) Try to build a hatchery twice (somewhat fast)on the island

14) Warp 2 infested terrans to the right (this one is just a pain...)
a) Make enough drones to be able to float the drone over
b) Make a nydus canal
c) While the nydus is building, cloak the infested's like you did the ling
d) Once nydus is complete, use the drones you used to help float to scatter the dark templar like you did with the "Hop a wall" with the ling.
e) Just bring the infested's to the beacon

15) Dupe an Ultralisk
a) Bring the ling up to the top to attract the ultra
b) Burrow the ling until the ultra "gives up"
c) Unburrow and run by

16) Crush the building
a) Lift the building off
b) Hotkey the building (Ctrl+1)
c) Turn the lights off
d) Select the building and tell it to land where the cannon is

17) Train a tank in the air
a) Press "L" and "T" in a fast sequence after each other (only once though)
TROUBLESHOOTING: If it lifts off and doesnt do the tank, try again. If it does the tank but doesnt lift off, try again. Its all about getting the 2 keys close together and in that order.
b) Land the factory in the middle platform

18) Another walk through the units
a) Mine the minerals so the probe is holding some
b) Right-click on the beacon and press "c" fairly fast and I always end with "c" twice.

19) Float a high templar
a) Move them a fair distance apart
b) Tell them to merge and shift-click on the island
c) Just before they merge, press "s"
TROUBLESHOOTING: They didnt float? Try again, once again.. timing

20) Float a DT
Exactly like the above, just more difficult

21) Build a cloaked spawning pool near the sunken colony
a) Cloak the drone like you did the ling
b) Build the spawning pool (neat eh?)

22) Train a goliath in the air
a) Press "L" and "G" in a fast sequence (like the tank)
b) Land the factory and before it lands shift-click somewhere else.
c) The factory should then land and lift off again and start moving with the goliath actually training in mid-air.

23) Crush the interceptors
a) Attack your own building
b) Lift off the building
c) Try to land the building on the interceptors, they will be crushed if done right
NOTE: Easiest thing to do is move carrier over the building, attack it, lift off, and just before the building lands, stop the attack by pressing stop.

24) Get 5 drones
a) Build a creep colony
b) Make a drone
c) Repeat until 4 colonies building and you have a drone
d) Cancel the colonies

25) Mine away from the minerals
a) Put the arbiter over the space area (not land)
b) Send the probe to mine minerals
c) Tell the arbiter to recall at the mineral patch
NOTE: Best to send the probe then cast recall fairly soon after each other.
TROUBLESHOOTING: If the probe is sent to the center of the platform, then you need to cast recall faster.


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
[COLOR=33DD33]Wow, looks like you covered it. This is a lot of help, I may put it up in the sticky.[/COLOR]

Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
im having trouble on the last one, do u use recall on the mins or infront of them, and when do u do it.

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