you are nooby to say 1000 base DMG even the NEWest version of ith which is AO_newith has like 200-600 and 600-1200 of dmg.
Then you ask why do people use it? CAUSE there are not ENOUGH swords which are good for duelin, barbs got mad on it.
Now that zonz are considered the best PvP duelerz- lolz i say no,
since zonz were overpowered with those WF and other cr@p it made people mad, totally mad... and someone came up with ITH idea. Cool isnt it? And now barbs and all MELLEE chars... rulez in PvP... challenge me to a duel and i will prove it,
if you dont like ITH its your problem man, get on with it SELL YOU CR@P items.. for sojs and try to get more sojs, and buy some ith, of course you will never buy new ith... its worth 100 sojs and i dont think your poor @$$ can afford that ... lolz
if you think you cant WIN in PvP against char who has ITH dont DUEL ??? Why the heck to go hostile if you know that you will LOOSE???? HONOR? HAHA... man.
LAST chance buy it if you dare, i dont have to buy iths... they come to me thro my