1) Yes he is using my mod, it is a mod FOR CLOSED BNET, the "chainsaw" is the new image for the war scepter, the rings are new, too.
2) My mod does NOT rename Silence to "ITH".
3) If a runeword with one (or more) DUPED+UNPERMED rune(s) is caught by Rust Storm the duped rune(s) in the runeword will disappear, the legit runes will stay where they are and the item becomes an "ITH". If you equip it you will not get the stats from the runeword though and when you leave the game the whole ITH item (including the item and all remaining runes) will disappear.
4) Now I have no idea why this item is an "ITH", I know for sure that I did not rename it, but seing how an item only becomes "ITH" when a rune is missing (and no runes are missing, they are all there) it *might* be a bug in my mod, that causes the runeword Silence to screw up (although I have NO idea why this would happen). If you have the runeword silence, please show it to me on BNet so that I can see if this is a bug or not.
5) t3h_g0d is just trying to be funny, leave him alone.