Items for Sale [USWEST SC/L]


New Member
Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
Post offers on here, or find me on diablo (*robomantis). Whatever works for you. Posting on here preferably.


Arachnid Mesh:
109% edef

Steel Shade helm:
7% mana stolen, 123% edef, replent. life 14, fire absorb of 8

Eth Andarials Visage (547 def):
136% edef, 26 str

Andarials Visage:
135% edef, 29 str

Orums' Robes:
13% cold, 15% fire, 11% lightning, 3 to chain lightning

Ondal's Wisdom:
+4 skills, 468 def, 49 energy

Eschuta's Temper:
+2 skills, 14 fire, 12 lightning, 28 energy

Eth Thunderstroke (143 to 272 throw dam):
175% edam

Verdungo's Hearty Coil:
128% edef, 39 vit, 11 replenish life, damage reduced by 13%

Kira's Guardian x2:
one with perfect 70 res, one with 69 res

Cerebus' Bite:
10% (perf) life stolen, 117% AR, 2 shape shift, 1 feral.

+2 (perf) skeleton mastery, 13 str

Arreats Face:
5% life stolen per hit

Dracul's Grasp:
10% life stolen (perf), 11 str, 10 life after each kill (perf)

Soul Drainer:
4% mana, 6% life

Cruel Shank boots:
10% fhr, cold res 31, fire res 26, half freeze dur, 20% mf


Griswold's Helm, and Armor


Raven Frost (absolutely Perfect):
250 AR, 20 Dex

Carrion Wind:
9% life stolen, 125 def Vs. Missle

Nature's Peace:
Poison res 22%, damage reduced by 8

The Rising Sun:
lvl 16 meteor

Rainbow Facet:
100% chance lvl 51 poison nova is cast when you die, -5% enemies res, 4% to poison skill damage


fal rune
lum rune

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