I have the AutoIt script, and I will host a site for you if you make one, I jsut don't feel like making one. If someone sends me the html file(s) I'll host it and put the dropper exe on there.
HTML has to be believable though, a maphack or some believable hack.. NOT MFhack.
Oh, if anyone wants it, I have it hosted at my ftp site the file link is
remember this is a script which DROPS ALL OF YOUR ITEMS lol its safe to download but don't RUN it while d2 is open. As far as I know there is no way to stop the script once it starts, just frantically hit escape and try to land a mouseclick on exit game. Once you're out of a game I think the script stops.
For the slow: this exe when run by someone with d2 open and in a game maximizes d2, then drops all of their items. Oh and btw, im not encouraging anyone to use this.