I guess your all Sony phanbois huh?
I have 20 games for my cube, and look to get a couple more before I call it the end.
You have titles like Metroid Prime, a true beauty of a game that lets you play in your own pace.
You have Soul Calibur II, while multiplatform, the GC is arguably the best, since it has faster loading times and a better unique character, Link.
You have Pac-man Vs., a great multiplayer game that is fun for nongamers or the casual, as well as the hardcore.
You have Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, a truly special game that involves cooperation like no other.
You have F-Zero GX, the greatest non-sim racer out there.
Don't miss Eternal Darkness. In my opinion, it has the greatest story in a game. It has references to HP Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, which leads to a rich storyline.
Rather than be disappointed by the game arsenal this fall, the smarter thing to do is stock up on the games that you missed out on, or the ones that didn't get your attention before. All the prices have gone down to a point where it's very easy to buy the game (though it may hard to find some). Trust me, there are plenty of hidden gems.
I'm not pumped for Xbox, since many big titles like Half-Life 2 and Far Cry can already be bought on the PC, as well as GTA:SA. As for the PS2, the only title that interests me greatly is Soul Calibur III, which will probably load longer than SCII on the cube... but at least it has more features.