Retired Staff
Note the one thing in common:
Been chasing him all around BF before I leave.
scott-rocks: Mass posting of the same thing.
As I make this thread, he's in WC hacks. >_<
[edit] Too lazy to chase him around, he should be banned now. Damned person. Are dupes allowed at BF?
Been chasing him all around BF before I leave.
scott-rocks: Mass posting of the same thing.
As I make this thread, he's in WC hacks. >_<
[edit] Too lazy to chase him around, he should be banned now. Damned person. Are dupes allowed at BF?
Props to this guy, dremis. It's infected with a trojan. Roach, get your butt off to work!Originally posted by dremis
Current object: NP.zip
NP.zip Archive: ZIP
NP.zip/NP.d2h Ok
NP.zip/Bind.ini Ok
NP.zip/D2Hackit.ini Ok
NP.zip/loader.exe Packed: UPX
NP.zip/loader.exe Infected: Backdoor.Beastdoor.206
NP.zip/Bind.d2h Ok
NP.zip/ReadMe.txt Ok
Compliments of Kaspersky's