Hey, i use to be able to run 6 pindlebot and get 7 d2 windows open and connect to bnet. Now i can only use 1. Im wondering if u can run the d2 through a masked ip to battlenet allowing you to connect.
why you can only use 1 it does not depend on your ip does it? you are able with d2loader tool it can be found in the stickys
you need different cdkeys there are some in the forum too search for them
and a finaly suggestion use shopbot and get 1337 cruelz they worth more than uniques (but i do not know if cigamit has a new version of his shopbot for 1.10) shopbot ownz all ^^ you can run about 10-15+ with just 1key on 1machine
ah realy cool idea would be a clientless shopbot than you can probably run 50+ bots on 1pc hehe depending on your bandwith
nah, im not stupid, i got like 20 cd keys d2 loader and all that nice shyt, Bnet only lets u connect a certain ammount of clients. Therefore u can only load 'X' many. This is what i have discovered. When i remove my router i can get 1, with it off i can get 1 on this pc. I use to be able to get 8 up either way if u understand me.
I can still get on as many times as my pc can hanlde which was usually 12 max. That was running just by themselves tho. I still can. I dont now why you can only get on with one.
Zephyr what do you mean? Like having one pc run how ever many accounts you wont to have pindo run on? with out loging on to battle.net but just loging right on the server
I mean buy running pindle bot, thus connecting to Battlenet with 'X' many of Diablo II client and accounts. And it isnt letting me on USEast, on the other realms i dont play i can load as many as i want.
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