Is it possible to change the damage spells deal?


Nov 26, 2004
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I'm currently creating a basic defense map where you need to use spells to win (Surely been done hundreds of times before), but I kinda hit a wall here.

As far as I can see, spells have predecided damages. After testing, I found most out most of the formulas (Storm does 112 damage and ignores defense, Yamato does 260 explosive damage, as well as reduction from defense, Plague does 295 unreducable damage etc).

However, it almost always points towards Plague and Storm being the two best spells, especially when paired with Mael or Lock.

Is there any way to modify the damage they deal, to make Yamato gun more useful? And also, if it's possible to modify the damage, is it possible to modify the damage dealt by diffrent units using the same spell (I.e., making, for example, Tassadar's Storm deal twice as much damage as a normal High Templar)?

If not, well, I'll guess it'll be a bit stale, but isn't most defenses pretty stale after a while?

Thanks for any help. <Sure been a while since I was here>


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
When making a map with an editor, no. You can't change the type or amount of damage spells like Storm and Yam does no matter what editor you use. The only way to change what type and how much damage a spell does is to make a Modification.

For example;
Say you want the Yamato to deal more damage as you upgrade ship weapons. This is completely possible when making a MOD for SC. You can also have building armor and weapons upgradeable as well. You can even increase a Bunker's capacity to 8 units max. You can even increase the amount of damage a Nuke does, its splash radius, and its damage can be upgraded as well. When making a mod, you can do just about any damn thing you want. There are some limitations to what the game will allow, but the rest, provides for hours of entertainment.

If you're interested in modding, let me know, I'll point you to the right tools and help you with some basics...


Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, I know a bit about modding and what tools to use.

But as far as I know, you can't distribute the mod along with the map over, making it pretty useless for multiplayer games except with friends...

Guess I could make a version and a "real" version, with modded featues to change spelldamage and all that, although I'd require quite some extra work as well as rebalancing...

Oh well, thanks for the help anyway! I'll just check for some other way to try and balance it.


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