I'm a old timer when it comes to Diablo 2. Old to the point where there were no ladder characters and SOJs were the main currency(I dont know if they still are.) There were also rare rings (I dont remember that well) that gave duel leech and other effects I think they were called Raven something lol anyways it was along time ago.
I was thinking about starting up again (I'm not sure though if I get addicted like when I first played it lol it would waste a lot of time, I played for about 8 hours after school everyday for about 2 years.) but i'm not quite informed about these ladder characters, like how are they different from regular characters and I heard the ladder restarts...what does that mean and how ofter does it...
I am truly sorry about my ignorance I havent touched the game in about 2 years.
p.s what the hell is this Enigma???
I was thinking about starting up again (I'm not sure though if I get addicted like when I first played it lol it would waste a lot of time, I played for about 8 hours after school everyday for about 2 years.) but i'm not quite informed about these ladder characters, like how are they different from regular characters and I heard the ladder restarts...what does that mean and how ofter does it...
I am truly sorry about my ignorance I havent touched the game in about 2 years.
p.s what the hell is this Enigma???