Info About Me


Hot Action Cop

I play starcraft from time to time, im usually a freelance player but if your clan is good and is looking for people e-mail me. I dont think that computer is like a life style, but i will play when needed. I skate whenever i can, and i play Diablo 2, Delta Force 2, and some other games, although starcraft is the one i play the most. I dont like stupid people posting rumors about S/C
If you find some info that sounds cool, research it before telling the whole world about it. I dont mean to offend people if i do tell me and i will try to fix it. Anyway, my e-mail is if you need to e-mail me with clan crap, or other stuff go ahead, just know if it has a weird subject your mail will be banned and deleted.
peace out

Akule The Free

(my sig will offend someone so im changing it)


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