3 generations, old culture is replaced by new culture.
1st Generation Mexican Immigrants: Speak only Spanish
2nd Generation Mexican Immigrants: Speak both Spanish and English, translate for 1st Gen.
3rd Generation Mexican Immigrants: Speak only English, get baffled when you ask them to translate.
this isnt always the case, but its a good rule of thumb, i know a ton of mexican immigrants and the likes being that i work in construction now [and my family is mexican so ~.~] and i have to admit, thats a pretty good sum up for about 50% of mexican immigrants
thing is, theres another half that ive noticed [ i use to believe immigrants didnt bother to learn things either] about half the firs gen immigrants learn at least BASIC english, its broken, but its understandable.
a good example is my friends parnter, Juan, who has since become a good friend of mine.
he was born in mexico, he was raised in mexico, and about 4-5 years ago he came to the US. He learned -perfect- english just about [sometimes he forgets a word and he still has a mexican accent, but thats expected]
i can have a conversation with him like he was born in america, though he wasnt.