glowpole said:
OK like mug 'm rencelty coming back 2 d2..i havn't played since 09
And i'veseen alot of new patches and what not and if anyone here that use 2 play with me feel free 2 help me get started gain =)
i am a newbie around here but if you are on US East SC/L. I only played a day or two on my ladder account when it just opened but i am thyinking of getting back to it. but slowly.
i play on and off maybe one or two days a week recently, so if you would like feel free to look me up. /w *jureidini, jureidini0 you seem to be liked by several of the cooler people around here so thats good enough for me and i am always looking for a decent person to play with. (only seen a couple so far).
idont have much in the way of items to spare (due to multiple terrible self mule accidents, and a appetite for building and leveling new chars solo..thus hungry for equipment). but i can help level you or better yet quest whenevr you need. i pretty much solo'd since i started so partying might be nice.
that and your sigs is scary odd so its worth a shout :wavey .
welcome back to d2 (btw as you notice i talk alot)