IK mf barb Part 1
Ok thi sis the second time ive had to make this as it is insanely long. please continue at part 2 and comment there only.
This is dedicated to aramil as it was origonally his guide. Please enjoy and be prepared fo a long read!!
As my main MFer is a barbarian, I thought I could share my success with you people and write up a small MF Barbarian guide. I welcome any critiques and comments, so by all means say what's on your mind so I can improve it OK, here goes.
DISCLAIMER: I should probably start by saying this is really not a cheap build, and if you don't already have another MF character, you should probably NOT start with this build. But, if you already have another average-to-decent MFer who found some items needed for the build, then you would be wise to create an IK MF Barbarian.
Version History
2.0 - Added and fixed a lot of info. Added a section about Baal runs, and generally wrote the stuff that was missing in the first version.
3.0 - upon request, leveling strategy is here. Also added is the Pit running strategy as well as a fix to the MF Table section.
BBN – Barbarian
Str, Dex, Vit, Ene - The four stats, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Energy
HP - Hit Points, Life
BO - Battle Orders
BC - Battle Command
WW – Whirlwind
MM - Mace Mastery
MF - Magic Find
GF - Gold Find
1h - 1 handed
2h - 2 handed
lvl - level, Clvl, Mlvl, Ilvl, Slvl - Character, Monster, Item, Skill
p - players, like in p1 or p8
AR - Attack Rating
FHR - Faster Hit Recovery
PDR - Physical Damage Reduction
CB - Crushing Blow
IAS - Increased Attack Speed
PI - Physical Immune
FE, LE, CE - Fire/Lightning/Cold Enchanted bosses
IK - Immortal King, barbarian set
A - act, so A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5
N, NM, H - difficulties, Normal, Nightmare and Hell
WSK - Worldstone Keep
OK - Oblivion Knight
IM - Iron Maiden
OK, let's start with some basic stuff then. Why a Barbarian you ask? Well, as you know, BBN is probably the most durable class in the whole game. He gets loads and loads of HP, has no problem maxing out resists with the help of Natural Resistance and can achieve massive defense. Along with that, he is the only class which can dual wield ALL 1h weapons. So you could keep two weapons with MF on switch, using your normal weapon to weaken the monster, so you can kill it easily with your two MF weapons. More on that later.
From my own experience, this build is VERY good at running Hell Mephisto, and the A5 super uniques (Pindleskin, Eldtritch and Thresh Socket). These runs combined can drop more or less every item in the game. He is also pretty good at running Baal, the most profitable run in the game. From the other popular runs, there is the Pit and other high level areas. As a Pit runner, he performs decently and in good time so you can pretty much use this character as an all-around runner.
s the name implies, this BBN build is going to use the full Immortal King's set. The reason why this build is very expensive is solely because of the one item in that set, and that is the Immortal King's Soul Cage set Sacred Armor. The other pieces aren't hard to get, and you can usually pick several items in the giveaways here at the SPF. The trick is getting that IK armor.
OK, here is what you can roughly expect from this character at about level 80+, when the build is considered done.
4.5k - 5k max WW damage
6-8k attack rating
10k-15k defense
10% dual leech
3.5k+ life
75% resist all
300-400% MF
So looking at those stats, one could think that this character is literally indestructible, even in MF gear. And one would be correct, my BBN hasn't died a single time on an MF run, even with no blocking.
Lets just take a short look at the MF % table, so we can find the optimal MF %. Note that the table starts of at 200% MF, that is because 100% is considered a base MF % value without any +% Mf items on.
MF table
MF Magical Rare Set Unique
200 200 185 183 171
300 300 250 242 211
400 400 300 287 236
500 500 340 320 253
600 600 372 350 266
700 700 400 372 276
800 800 423 392 284
900 900 443 407 290
1000 1000 460 421 295
MF percentages calculated with the help of ATMA 5.04d Drop Calculator.
From this table you can see that having a really high MF % doesn't really make much a difference. So it is much better to have lower MF while being able to do the run very fast. About 400-500% MF is probably the best number, as at about that time diminishing returns really kick in.
Thanks to Thrugg for pointing my mistake in the MF table.
OK, lets now start with the heart of this build.
First lets talk a little about statistics. As already stated, BBN is probably the most durable class in D2. One of the main reasons of that is the BBN's Vitality. BBNs get big 4 HP points per 1 point of Vitality. This alone makes this stat very desirable, even more so to a MF BBN, so it is going to be our primary statistic. Second in importance is Strength of course. We need Str so we can equip all those IK set items, all of which are rather heavy in their Str requirement. The other two stats, Dex and Ene, are totally irrelevant for this build. We don't need Dex since big 2h mauls don't have a Dex requirement. We don't need Ene because... well, we get only 1 mana per 1 point of Ene, and 4 HP per 1 point of Vit, so you do the math. Mana can be easily added with few charms or an item.
OK, with that said, we will probably want:
Strength - 187 - requirement for the IK armor is 232 Str. IK gloves and belt combined give +45 Str, which equals to 232. I STRONGLY suggest having a base of 187, so you don't have to carry Str charms, or sacrifice jewelry for Str.
Dexterity - 20 - never add a single point to Dex. Mauls have no Dex requirement, and Dex is not a very good option for boosting your AR, charms and items can do it much much better.
Vitality - everything else - you should have 300+ Vit, which alone will grant you 1.2k life. That coupled with a few +life items and BO...
Energy - 10 - again, leave at base, points here are generally wasted since you can get much more mana from items.
Now lets talk about the skills your MF IK BBN will be using. The choice here is your main attack skill. Other skills will probably be the same. I recommend WW as a main skill, as it is best for A5 Super unique runs, and probably for Baal runs also. For Mephisto, Concentrate is better, but I'll don't have the patience to level with a 1 hit per click skill. WW is far the best leveling skill, and fastest one to get you to high levels (85+) when you'll be ready for your item runs.
OK, so you should have something like this by high levels:
20 Mace Mastery - some people prefer not to put points into masteries any longer, but to this build it is a must. The passive AR bonus is very important since we are going with base Dex and any +% AR is very welcome indeed. Plus it gives us good +% damage and a nice critical strike chance.
20 Battle Orders - Battle Orders are the backbone of every BBN out there, and this one is no different. Honestly, this skill is simple too good, and really a bless to a BBN who already has lots of life. With this skill you can easily have around 4k HP.
20 Shout - defense has changed much in 1.10 and is now a very good ally indeed. 20 in Shout boots your defense to really good levels (10-12k), and also extends duration of the other two very important war cries. Very well spent points.
20 Whirlwind - I recommend WW as a main skill, as it is by far the fastest killer, and best for all runs except Mephisto. Other choices here would be Concentrate (best for Mephisto) and Berserk. The thing is, as we are already maxing both BO and Shout which add damage to Concentrate and Berserk (respectively) through synergy, we don't really need 20 points in these skills. They are very good with just 1 point, and WW is really a bless when you're leveling.
1 Berserk - I don't recommend Berserk as a main skill mainly because we do a good focus on defense, and Berserk reduces defense to 0. It is quite harder to Berserk Mephisto rather than Concentrate him, as he gets a LOT more hits on you and you can't leech back. So use Berserk when leveling to kill PIs, or on the Super Unique bosses if they spawn PI of course. Berserk receives a nice damage boost from Shout, and you will probably deal a lot of damage with it.
1 Concentrate - I recommend WW as a main skill for the reasons stated above. But Concentrate is an excellent skill and we can use to good effect as we will be getting it as a prerequisite anyway. It receives a big damage boost from BO, adds a decent amount of AR and increases defense, making it a number 1 choice for killing Mephisto.
1 Battle Command - 1 VERY well spend point. Cast this before the other war cries. Later, with both BO and Shout maxed, you will gave a great duration on this one too, so its like a permanent +1 skills.
1 Increased Stamina & Speed - a well spent points which will, coupled with all the +skills from IK, shorten the time you need to reach your target farm monster.
1 Natural Resistance - again, very well spend, and with +skills from IK will give all the resistance you need.
1 Battle Cry - My attention was recently shifted into this skills direction. A very decent skill, and if I might add very useful one for this build too. As we don't put any points in Dex, most IK barbs have problems with hitting things. This war cry could potential solve most if not all of your AR problems coupled with a few +AR charms.
Thanks to DougTheHead2 for pointing that out.
1 Find Item (Optional) – This point is completely optional, since you can use Heart Carver on the switch to use it. But having real points makes it much easier to use, and you can carry two Ali Babas on the switch for more MF once when you use Find Item. This skill is great, and one of the main reasons I think BBNs are best Mfers. You can use it on almost all normal bosses (not on act bosses thought, that would be plain unfair), and it gives you a chance of double drop. In the long run, you will probably find better stuff from Find Item, rather than from a normal drop. I'll quote Flux from his 1.09 MF BBN guide on this one:
"If you are going to do Pindleskin runs, you want a good level of Find Item. 40% more in that skill is like doing 40% more runs in the same amount of time." – Flux
Same applies to both Eldritch and Thresh Socket.
After you reach these goals, good places to spend your remaining points is either Concentrate (for more damage and AR), Iron Skin (for a flat out defense increase) or Find Item, which is very useful, but there is an alternative to putting points here (more on this in the Equipment section).
I won't give a detailed skill placement guide, but you should put 1 point in all the prerequisites until level 24 (only 1 point into Shout) and get Mace Mastery to about 10. At 24-30 I put a point in BO every level. Then at 30, I like to get WW to like 5-6 to get it out of negatives, and then finish BO for duration. Next I finish Mace Mastery (explained below), then WW and finally Shout.
Why first max Mace Mastery, and not WW?
MM and WW have directly opposite increases. MM gives +5% damage and +8% AR per level, where WW gives +8% damage and +5% AR. Since we put no points into Dex, we need as much AR we can get. Disadvantage of WW is that it increases in mana cost what could pose a problem at lower levels, where MM also adds a Critical Strike %. So max MM before WW.
Next up, equipment part. First, lets review each of our set pieces, and see where we can get MF.
Immortal King's Will
Avenger Guard
Defense: 160-175 (varies) (Base Defense: 35-50)
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 65
Durability: 55
(Barbarian Only)
+4 To Light Radius
+125 Defense
37% Extra Gold From Monsters
25-40% Better Chance Of Finding Magic Items (varies)
+2 To Warcries Skills (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (2)
This is a very good helm, with main bonuses being the MF, +2 warcries and 2 sockets. You will want one with good seed, 31-32% at least. Coupled with 2 Perfect Topazes that will give you around 80%, what's very good on a helm. The maximum MF with a perfect seed would be 88%.
Immortal King's Soul Cage
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1001 (Base Defense: 487-600)
Defense: 1301 (Base Defense: 487-600) - with complete set on
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 232
Durability: 60
+400 Defense
5% Chance To Cast Level 5 Enchant When Struck
Poison Resist +50%
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (2 Items)
Cold Resist +40% (3 Items)
Fire Resist +40% (4 Items)
Lightning Resist +40% (5 Items)
+50% Enhanced Defense (Complete Set)
No wonder this item is so hard to get, look at the MASSIVE bonuses it provides. Big defense, FHR, and +40% resist all with additional +10% poison resist. The % chance to cast enchant is very good, as enchant gives you +% AR, and it triggers rather often, especially when running through a pack of Dolls in durance. Socket it with Perfect Topaz for +24% MF.
Immortal King's Detail
War Belt
Defense: 89 (Base Defense: 41-52)
Defense: 194 (Base Defense: 41-52)
Defense: 247 (Base Defense 41-52)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
16 boxes
+36 Defense
Lightning Resist +31%
Fire Resist +28%
+25 To Strength
+105 Defense (2 items)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
+100% Enhanced Defense (4 Items)
Damage Reduced By 20% (5 Items)
+2 To Masteries (Barbarian Only) (Complete Set)
Again, a fantastic item. Come to think of it, the whole IK set is fantastic . So we have +strength, big fire and lightning resistance, FHR, +2 Masteries and 20% PDR! The +25 strength part is actually worth 200+ life when you count in BO, since you put those 25 points into Vit. All in all, an excellent item.
Immortal King's Forge
[/War Gauntlets
Defense: 108-118 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Defense: 228-238 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
+65 Defense
12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck
+20 To Dexterity
+20 To Strength
+25% Increased Attack Speed (2 items)
+120 Defense (3 Items)
10% Life Stolen Per Hit (4 Items)
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit (5 Items)
Freezes Target +2 (Complete Set)
Man, now this is something again eh? +str and +dex are very good and much appreciated, 10% dual leech is probably all you will need, 25% IAS helps when using Concentrate/Berserk (but not WW...), and Freezes Target is awesome, shattering corpses so they can't be revived. Again, the +20 Str is like the gloves had a +160 life when you count in BO.
Immortal King's Pillar
[/War Boots
Defense: 118-128 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Defense: 278-288 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 125
Durability: 24
Assassin Kick Damage: 39-80
+75 Defense
40% Faster Run/Walk
+110 To Attack Rating
+44 To Life
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (2 items)
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) (3 Items)
+160 Defense (4 Items)
Half Freeze Duration (5 Items)
Decent boots, with fastest run/walk you can find, good +AR and +life bonuses, +2 combat skills is very nice and on top of that 25% MF!
Immortal King's Stone Crusher
Ogre Maul
Damage: 231 To 318 (274.5 Avg)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 225
Base Weapon Speed: [10]
+200% Enhanced Damage
+200% Damage To Demons
+250% Damage To Undead
40% Increased Attack Speed
35-40% Chance Of Crushing Blow (varies)
Socketed (2)
Adds 211-397 Fire Damage (2 items)
Adds 7-477 Lightning Damage (3 Items)
Adds 127-364 Cold Damage, 6 sec. Duration (Normal) (4 Items)
+204 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds (5 Items)
Adds 250-361 Magic Damage (Complete Set)
Now this is one BADASS weapon. It's damage might look kinda low, but don't let it deceive you. The added damage to demons and undead is really great when you count in that about 80% or so monsters in the game are of those two types. Also, the total elemental damage from partial bonuses is 799 - 1803, what can easily kill PIs by itself on players 1. But it ain't over. The 35-40% CB is incredible, and triggers quite often. And the most important thing is that this Maul can hit the last WW break point with it's 2 sockets. You need to add a total of 30% IAS to get there, what is easily accomplished by two jewels of Fervor, which can have other nice stats too.
Thanks to Serdash and Pucho for pointing out that +% damage to demons and undead is calculated differently from normal +% ed.
"The damage to undead/demons is applied like skill damage, after str/min-max damage is calculated." - Pucho
With the full set on we get massive bonuses:
+3 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+450 To Attack Rating
+150 To Life
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced By 10
Display Aura
The big AR bonus is really great, as is the life and resistance. +skills really helps your warcries. So when we put on the complete set we get something like:
+5 to warcries and masteries tree
+7 to combat skills tree
10% life AND mana leech
118% Fire Resist
90% Cold Resist
121% Lightning Resist
100% Poison Resist
20% PDR
+45 Strength
+20 Dexterity
+194 life (or at the very least 388 with BO)
Around 2.2k base defense
Very nice indeed. This set has everything a BBN needs, and more. So jewelry will be used to compliment the whole set, as almost all the stats are already covered. Let's take a little look at resistances
Hell resistances start at -100%. The set alone would give us the following resistances in Hell
18% Fire
-10 Cold
21% Lightning
0% Poison
Now we count in the Anya quest in all three difficulties for an added +30% to all
48% Fire
20% Cold
51% Lightning
30% Poison
Finally, as a good BBN will always have at least 1 point in Natural Resistances (and 1 point is all that we will need in this build), we automatically have a level 6 Natural Resistance which adds +44% resist all.
92% Fire (capped at 75%)
64% Cold
95% Lightning (capped at 75%)
74% Poison
If we add another +1 skills (for example a rare amulet or a Bul Kathos Ring) we get +47% from Natural Resists, what maxes out poison too. Only left is cold, which can be maxed out with 1 small charm.
Continued in part 2......
Ok thi sis the second time ive had to make this as it is insanely long. please continue at part 2 and comment there only.
This is dedicated to aramil as it was origonally his guide. Please enjoy and be prepared fo a long read!!
As my main MFer is a barbarian, I thought I could share my success with you people and write up a small MF Barbarian guide. I welcome any critiques and comments, so by all means say what's on your mind so I can improve it OK, here goes.
DISCLAIMER: I should probably start by saying this is really not a cheap build, and if you don't already have another MF character, you should probably NOT start with this build. But, if you already have another average-to-decent MFer who found some items needed for the build, then you would be wise to create an IK MF Barbarian.
Version History
2.0 - Added and fixed a lot of info. Added a section about Baal runs, and generally wrote the stuff that was missing in the first version.
3.0 - upon request, leveling strategy is here. Also added is the Pit running strategy as well as a fix to the MF Table section.
BBN – Barbarian
Str, Dex, Vit, Ene - The four stats, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Energy
HP - Hit Points, Life
BO - Battle Orders
BC - Battle Command
WW – Whirlwind
MM - Mace Mastery
MF - Magic Find
GF - Gold Find
1h - 1 handed
2h - 2 handed
lvl - level, Clvl, Mlvl, Ilvl, Slvl - Character, Monster, Item, Skill
p - players, like in p1 or p8
AR - Attack Rating
FHR - Faster Hit Recovery
PDR - Physical Damage Reduction
CB - Crushing Blow
IAS - Increased Attack Speed
PI - Physical Immune
FE, LE, CE - Fire/Lightning/Cold Enchanted bosses
IK - Immortal King, barbarian set
A - act, so A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5
N, NM, H - difficulties, Normal, Nightmare and Hell
WSK - Worldstone Keep
OK - Oblivion Knight
IM - Iron Maiden
OK, let's start with some basic stuff then. Why a Barbarian you ask? Well, as you know, BBN is probably the most durable class in the whole game. He gets loads and loads of HP, has no problem maxing out resists with the help of Natural Resistance and can achieve massive defense. Along with that, he is the only class which can dual wield ALL 1h weapons. So you could keep two weapons with MF on switch, using your normal weapon to weaken the monster, so you can kill it easily with your two MF weapons. More on that later.
From my own experience, this build is VERY good at running Hell Mephisto, and the A5 super uniques (Pindleskin, Eldtritch and Thresh Socket). These runs combined can drop more or less every item in the game. He is also pretty good at running Baal, the most profitable run in the game. From the other popular runs, there is the Pit and other high level areas. As a Pit runner, he performs decently and in good time so you can pretty much use this character as an all-around runner.
s the name implies, this BBN build is going to use the full Immortal King's set. The reason why this build is very expensive is solely because of the one item in that set, and that is the Immortal King's Soul Cage set Sacred Armor. The other pieces aren't hard to get, and you can usually pick several items in the giveaways here at the SPF. The trick is getting that IK armor.
OK, here is what you can roughly expect from this character at about level 80+, when the build is considered done.
4.5k - 5k max WW damage
6-8k attack rating
10k-15k defense
10% dual leech
3.5k+ life
75% resist all
300-400% MF
So looking at those stats, one could think that this character is literally indestructible, even in MF gear. And one would be correct, my BBN hasn't died a single time on an MF run, even with no blocking.
Lets just take a short look at the MF % table, so we can find the optimal MF %. Note that the table starts of at 200% MF, that is because 100% is considered a base MF % value without any +% Mf items on.
MF table
MF Magical Rare Set Unique
200 200 185 183 171
300 300 250 242 211
400 400 300 287 236
500 500 340 320 253
600 600 372 350 266
700 700 400 372 276
800 800 423 392 284
900 900 443 407 290
1000 1000 460 421 295
MF percentages calculated with the help of ATMA 5.04d Drop Calculator.
From this table you can see that having a really high MF % doesn't really make much a difference. So it is much better to have lower MF while being able to do the run very fast. About 400-500% MF is probably the best number, as at about that time diminishing returns really kick in.
Thanks to Thrugg for pointing my mistake in the MF table.
OK, lets now start with the heart of this build.
First lets talk a little about statistics. As already stated, BBN is probably the most durable class in D2. One of the main reasons of that is the BBN's Vitality. BBNs get big 4 HP points per 1 point of Vitality. This alone makes this stat very desirable, even more so to a MF BBN, so it is going to be our primary statistic. Second in importance is Strength of course. We need Str so we can equip all those IK set items, all of which are rather heavy in their Str requirement. The other two stats, Dex and Ene, are totally irrelevant for this build. We don't need Dex since big 2h mauls don't have a Dex requirement. We don't need Ene because... well, we get only 1 mana per 1 point of Ene, and 4 HP per 1 point of Vit, so you do the math. Mana can be easily added with few charms or an item.
OK, with that said, we will probably want:
Strength - 187 - requirement for the IK armor is 232 Str. IK gloves and belt combined give +45 Str, which equals to 232. I STRONGLY suggest having a base of 187, so you don't have to carry Str charms, or sacrifice jewelry for Str.
Dexterity - 20 - never add a single point to Dex. Mauls have no Dex requirement, and Dex is not a very good option for boosting your AR, charms and items can do it much much better.
Vitality - everything else - you should have 300+ Vit, which alone will grant you 1.2k life. That coupled with a few +life items and BO...
Energy - 10 - again, leave at base, points here are generally wasted since you can get much more mana from items.
Now lets talk about the skills your MF IK BBN will be using. The choice here is your main attack skill. Other skills will probably be the same. I recommend WW as a main skill, as it is best for A5 Super unique runs, and probably for Baal runs also. For Mephisto, Concentrate is better, but I'll don't have the patience to level with a 1 hit per click skill. WW is far the best leveling skill, and fastest one to get you to high levels (85+) when you'll be ready for your item runs.
OK, so you should have something like this by high levels:
20 Mace Mastery - some people prefer not to put points into masteries any longer, but to this build it is a must. The passive AR bonus is very important since we are going with base Dex and any +% AR is very welcome indeed. Plus it gives us good +% damage and a nice critical strike chance.
20 Battle Orders - Battle Orders are the backbone of every BBN out there, and this one is no different. Honestly, this skill is simple too good, and really a bless to a BBN who already has lots of life. With this skill you can easily have around 4k HP.
20 Shout - defense has changed much in 1.10 and is now a very good ally indeed. 20 in Shout boots your defense to really good levels (10-12k), and also extends duration of the other two very important war cries. Very well spent points.
20 Whirlwind - I recommend WW as a main skill, as it is by far the fastest killer, and best for all runs except Mephisto. Other choices here would be Concentrate (best for Mephisto) and Berserk. The thing is, as we are already maxing both BO and Shout which add damage to Concentrate and Berserk (respectively) through synergy, we don't really need 20 points in these skills. They are very good with just 1 point, and WW is really a bless when you're leveling.
1 Berserk - I don't recommend Berserk as a main skill mainly because we do a good focus on defense, and Berserk reduces defense to 0. It is quite harder to Berserk Mephisto rather than Concentrate him, as he gets a LOT more hits on you and you can't leech back. So use Berserk when leveling to kill PIs, or on the Super Unique bosses if they spawn PI of course. Berserk receives a nice damage boost from Shout, and you will probably deal a lot of damage with it.
1 Concentrate - I recommend WW as a main skill for the reasons stated above. But Concentrate is an excellent skill and we can use to good effect as we will be getting it as a prerequisite anyway. It receives a big damage boost from BO, adds a decent amount of AR and increases defense, making it a number 1 choice for killing Mephisto.
1 Battle Command - 1 VERY well spend point. Cast this before the other war cries. Later, with both BO and Shout maxed, you will gave a great duration on this one too, so its like a permanent +1 skills.
1 Increased Stamina & Speed - a well spent points which will, coupled with all the +skills from IK, shorten the time you need to reach your target farm monster.
1 Natural Resistance - again, very well spend, and with +skills from IK will give all the resistance you need.
1 Battle Cry - My attention was recently shifted into this skills direction. A very decent skill, and if I might add very useful one for this build too. As we don't put any points in Dex, most IK barbs have problems with hitting things. This war cry could potential solve most if not all of your AR problems coupled with a few +AR charms.
Thanks to DougTheHead2 for pointing that out.
1 Find Item (Optional) – This point is completely optional, since you can use Heart Carver on the switch to use it. But having real points makes it much easier to use, and you can carry two Ali Babas on the switch for more MF once when you use Find Item. This skill is great, and one of the main reasons I think BBNs are best Mfers. You can use it on almost all normal bosses (not on act bosses thought, that would be plain unfair), and it gives you a chance of double drop. In the long run, you will probably find better stuff from Find Item, rather than from a normal drop. I'll quote Flux from his 1.09 MF BBN guide on this one:
"If you are going to do Pindleskin runs, you want a good level of Find Item. 40% more in that skill is like doing 40% more runs in the same amount of time." – Flux
Same applies to both Eldritch and Thresh Socket.
After you reach these goals, good places to spend your remaining points is either Concentrate (for more damage and AR), Iron Skin (for a flat out defense increase) or Find Item, which is very useful, but there is an alternative to putting points here (more on this in the Equipment section).
I won't give a detailed skill placement guide, but you should put 1 point in all the prerequisites until level 24 (only 1 point into Shout) and get Mace Mastery to about 10. At 24-30 I put a point in BO every level. Then at 30, I like to get WW to like 5-6 to get it out of negatives, and then finish BO for duration. Next I finish Mace Mastery (explained below), then WW and finally Shout.
Why first max Mace Mastery, and not WW?
MM and WW have directly opposite increases. MM gives +5% damage and +8% AR per level, where WW gives +8% damage and +5% AR. Since we put no points into Dex, we need as much AR we can get. Disadvantage of WW is that it increases in mana cost what could pose a problem at lower levels, where MM also adds a Critical Strike %. So max MM before WW.
Next up, equipment part. First, lets review each of our set pieces, and see where we can get MF.
Immortal King's Will
Avenger Guard
Defense: 160-175 (varies) (Base Defense: 35-50)
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 65
Durability: 55
(Barbarian Only)
+4 To Light Radius
+125 Defense
37% Extra Gold From Monsters
25-40% Better Chance Of Finding Magic Items (varies)
+2 To Warcries Skills (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (2)
This is a very good helm, with main bonuses being the MF, +2 warcries and 2 sockets. You will want one with good seed, 31-32% at least. Coupled with 2 Perfect Topazes that will give you around 80%, what's very good on a helm. The maximum MF with a perfect seed would be 88%.
Immortal King's Soul Cage
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1001 (Base Defense: 487-600)
Defense: 1301 (Base Defense: 487-600) - with complete set on
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 232
Durability: 60
+400 Defense
5% Chance To Cast Level 5 Enchant When Struck
Poison Resist +50%
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (2 Items)
Cold Resist +40% (3 Items)
Fire Resist +40% (4 Items)
Lightning Resist +40% (5 Items)
+50% Enhanced Defense (Complete Set)
No wonder this item is so hard to get, look at the MASSIVE bonuses it provides. Big defense, FHR, and +40% resist all with additional +10% poison resist. The % chance to cast enchant is very good, as enchant gives you +% AR, and it triggers rather often, especially when running through a pack of Dolls in durance. Socket it with Perfect Topaz for +24% MF.
Immortal King's Detail
War Belt
Defense: 89 (Base Defense: 41-52)
Defense: 194 (Base Defense: 41-52)
Defense: 247 (Base Defense 41-52)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
16 boxes
+36 Defense
Lightning Resist +31%
Fire Resist +28%
+25 To Strength
+105 Defense (2 items)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
+100% Enhanced Defense (4 Items)
Damage Reduced By 20% (5 Items)
+2 To Masteries (Barbarian Only) (Complete Set)
Again, a fantastic item. Come to think of it, the whole IK set is fantastic . So we have +strength, big fire and lightning resistance, FHR, +2 Masteries and 20% PDR! The +25 strength part is actually worth 200+ life when you count in BO, since you put those 25 points into Vit. All in all, an excellent item.
Immortal King's Forge
[/War Gauntlets
Defense: 108-118 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Defense: 228-238 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
+65 Defense
12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck
+20 To Dexterity
+20 To Strength
+25% Increased Attack Speed (2 items)
+120 Defense (3 Items)
10% Life Stolen Per Hit (4 Items)
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit (5 Items)
Freezes Target +2 (Complete Set)
Man, now this is something again eh? +str and +dex are very good and much appreciated, 10% dual leech is probably all you will need, 25% IAS helps when using Concentrate/Berserk (but not WW...), and Freezes Target is awesome, shattering corpses so they can't be revived. Again, the +20 Str is like the gloves had a +160 life when you count in BO.
Immortal King's Pillar
[/War Boots
Defense: 118-128 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Defense: 278-288 (varies) (Base Defense: 43-53)
Required Level: 31
Required Strength: 125
Durability: 24
Assassin Kick Damage: 39-80
+75 Defense
40% Faster Run/Walk
+110 To Attack Rating
+44 To Life
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (2 items)
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) (3 Items)
+160 Defense (4 Items)
Half Freeze Duration (5 Items)
Decent boots, with fastest run/walk you can find, good +AR and +life bonuses, +2 combat skills is very nice and on top of that 25% MF!
Immortal King's Stone Crusher
Ogre Maul
Damage: 231 To 318 (274.5 Avg)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 225
Base Weapon Speed: [10]
+200% Enhanced Damage
+200% Damage To Demons
+250% Damage To Undead
40% Increased Attack Speed
35-40% Chance Of Crushing Blow (varies)
Socketed (2)
Adds 211-397 Fire Damage (2 items)
Adds 7-477 Lightning Damage (3 Items)
Adds 127-364 Cold Damage, 6 sec. Duration (Normal) (4 Items)
+204 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds (5 Items)
Adds 250-361 Magic Damage (Complete Set)
Now this is one BADASS weapon. It's damage might look kinda low, but don't let it deceive you. The added damage to demons and undead is really great when you count in that about 80% or so monsters in the game are of those two types. Also, the total elemental damage from partial bonuses is 799 - 1803, what can easily kill PIs by itself on players 1. But it ain't over. The 35-40% CB is incredible, and triggers quite often. And the most important thing is that this Maul can hit the last WW break point with it's 2 sockets. You need to add a total of 30% IAS to get there, what is easily accomplished by two jewels of Fervor, which can have other nice stats too.
Thanks to Serdash and Pucho for pointing out that +% damage to demons and undead is calculated differently from normal +% ed.
"The damage to undead/demons is applied like skill damage, after str/min-max damage is calculated." - Pucho
With the full set on we get massive bonuses:
+3 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+450 To Attack Rating
+150 To Life
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced By 10
Display Aura
The big AR bonus is really great, as is the life and resistance. +skills really helps your warcries. So when we put on the complete set we get something like:
+5 to warcries and masteries tree
+7 to combat skills tree
10% life AND mana leech
118% Fire Resist
90% Cold Resist
121% Lightning Resist
100% Poison Resist
20% PDR
+45 Strength
+20 Dexterity
+194 life (or at the very least 388 with BO)
Around 2.2k base defense
Very nice indeed. This set has everything a BBN needs, and more. So jewelry will be used to compliment the whole set, as almost all the stats are already covered. Let's take a little look at resistances
Hell resistances start at -100%. The set alone would give us the following resistances in Hell
18% Fire
-10 Cold
21% Lightning
0% Poison
Now we count in the Anya quest in all three difficulties for an added +30% to all
48% Fire
20% Cold
51% Lightning
30% Poison
Finally, as a good BBN will always have at least 1 point in Natural Resistances (and 1 point is all that we will need in this build), we automatically have a level 6 Natural Resistance which adds +44% resist all.
92% Fire (capped at 75%)
64% Cold
95% Lightning (capped at 75%)
74% Poison
If we add another +1 skills (for example a rare amulet or a Bul Kathos Ring) we get +47% from Natural Resists, what maxes out poison too. Only left is cold, which can be maxed out with 1 small charm.
Continued in part 2......