Demon Child
Premium Member
What would You Do Differently In Life?
[glow=gray]Lmao! A hitman!? Why do you have to go to the past in order to be a hitman? Can't you be a hitman right now? Heh.[/glow]Originally posted by Beer $lut
I would become a hitman.
No i can not.Originally posted by Execrable
[glow=gray]Lmao! A hitman!? Why do you have to go to the past in order to be a hitman? Can't you be a hitman right now? Heh.[/glow]
I would stick **** my friends girlfriend, just make srue my friend never found out.Originally posted by JuggaloCoop
i wouldn't of ****ed my friends girl.
same boat here, when i did find the guts to tell her, i found out she was moving out of state two weeks afterOriginally posted by Wing Zero
Fix the stupidest mistake of my life so far, Go out with a girl that liked me but nooo i stupid and didnt go. she was a year older then me too STUPID WING