Setting Up A Leaderboard
Ok, phew, now that we have moving triggers out of the way, lets move onto Leaderboards. Yes, those fancy leaderboards. Here is how you make them.
Map Initilization
Leaderboard-Create-Creat a leaderboard for (All Players) titled Kills.
If/Then/Else- If (Player Slot Status Comparison- Player 1 (Red) Slot Status Equal To Is Playing) Then (Leaderboard- Add Player-Add Player 1(Red) to (Last Created Leaderboard) with label 'Name Of Player 1(Red)' and value of 0, Else (Do Nothing)
You need to copy + paste the 'If/Then/Else' trigger and subsitute Player 1 with player 2, Player 3, Player 4, and so on.
Here is how u add kills to your leaderboard. A bit complicated but not too hard to figure out.
You need to add a variable though.
Name: Kills
Type: Integer Array
Initial Value: 0
Unit-Unit Dies- A unit owned by Player 12 dies
Integer Comparison- Lives Is Not Equal To 0
Set Kills[Player Number Of(Owner of Killing Unit)))] = Kills[Player Number of(Oner of Killing Unit)))] + 1
Leaderboard- Change the value for (Owner of(Killing Unit)) in (Last Created Leaderboard) to Kills[Player Number Of(Owner Of(Killing Unit)))]
Leaderboard-Sort-Sort (Last Created Leaderboard) By Value In Descending Order
If a player leaves this is the trigger you need to run.
Time-Periodic Event- Every 5.00 seconds of game time
If/Then/Else- If (Player Slot Status Comparison Player 1(Red) Slot Status Equal To Has Left The Game), Then (Leaderboard-Change Player Label- Change the lable for Player 1(Red) in (Last Created Leaderboard) to <Quit the game> ), Else (Do Nothing)
Once again, like you have done so many times before, you must copy + paste and make this for each human player.