I was attacked


BattleForums Member
Jul 28, 2003
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Hey all, i was attacked by this spam bot and still under attack and all his spam.

Question: do you think this will get his cdkey muted ?

- Sent a mail to blizz about this guy spamming
- Prolly will call blizz during workdays and tell them about this bot

This is mail to blizzard:

Hello blizzard and thank you for reading my plea.

Recently i am being attacked by a spam bot, he keeps messeging me each time i log in to my account. Whenever i use a differenet account this person stops his spam. His spam is really annoying and contains foul language, i personally think it should stop and stop soon. His account name is openurbigpuss.y This account name is offensive and this is not a joke. I can also provide a screenshot of this person spamming non-stop. Blizzard please put a stop to this.


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