l33t 0n3
Real Name:Jordan
From?: WA State
USWest (only USWest for now): I play all realms, mainly west
Your GsVi-Name: GsVi- ?? I'll choose later..
Birthdate: personal info... If absolutely required tho..
Years Playing Diablo: I played beta at a friend's house... I was addicted ever since
Info. About Yourself: Avid mewgood member, ColeVC's clan of 500 named after him was disbanded... He plays SoF2 now... So I'm solo I have many 80+'s and my little ith barb Also got started up with tight shit on europe thanks to oneyed
Will You Be Active: YES!! NO SHIT!!
From?: WA State
USWest (only USWest for now): I play all realms, mainly west
Your GsVi-Name: GsVi- ?? I'll choose later..
Birthdate: personal info... If absolutely required tho..
Years Playing Diablo: I played beta at a friend's house... I was addicted ever since
Info. About Yourself: Avid mewgood member, ColeVC's clan of 500 named after him was disbanded... He plays SoF2 now... So I'm solo I have many 80+'s and my little ith barb Also got started up with tight shit on europe thanks to oneyed
Will You Be Active: YES!! NO SHIT!!