New Member
Hi, I just saw a guy dupe some stuff for me. I wanted to know if it was a public dupe so I checked around and this is the only site I found that had info on it. The guy had pretty good stuff, I asked him why he didnt have the best stuff and he said he sold all his dupes. I asked him to dupe some junk for me first but he said it took too long to waste his time with crap. I was thinking it was a scam, but I gave him a crappy gaze(7/7/16) anyways. Then he said to wait 10-15 mins. I did and he said he was ready so i came beside him and 2 gazes and a cube poped outa him. I checked the gazes and they both had the same stats. I asked him to dupe more but he said he had to go. He told me not to tell anyone his acc name, but I will anyways. It was *bryan_is_great1 whisper him and see if you can get the method from him. If you can get it from him plz pm it to me.