I really need help with MephXp


Aug 26, 2004
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Ok Problem = it wont do moat trick.

Reason = no idea.

Here is all the detail
Placement -
C:\Program Files\AWinxpsetup\Userconfig\ip23t2gf\Diablo II\Plugin\scripts\libs\YAMB\configs\YAM_Config_Deadly-Blizard

// Boss configuration
// This is the list of currently available boss to run.
// Reorder the lines to change the order in which they will be killed.
// Comment out (put // before) a line to skip the boss.
// Recommendation: Reorder the sequence in order of difficulty,
// to kill the toughest boss last and the easiest boss first.
// SPECIAL FEATURE: For those of you that only want to do baal but sometime you script abort due to pathing problem or
// you set AbortDoll=true, you will find yourself tp back to town and wait for minimum game length to pass. Now you can
// have your bot kill other bosses instead, by MOVING the baal script to the top of the list, it will kill any other
// bosses you set if it abort to town. But if it manage to get to baal then kill him. It will ignore any other bosses.

//YAMXXP.push("Baal"); // baal must be last for the other script to run unless you want to use the special feature.

// Leecher module.

// Follower, enchanter, bo script

// beta scripts. Only use if you want to give feed back.


// IP configuration
// YAM_DisplayIP = true/false Set to true to display server IP in game (in bottom right corner, only shows last part.)
// YAM_AlertOnHotIP = value Send an alert command upon finding an hot IP. Accepted values are :
// "mirc" Send a message and beep command to your mirc client (must be running of course.)
// "bnet" Send a message over battle.net, see next option.
// "both" You can guess that one. Must be type exactly as-is, no caps.
// Comment out or use "" to disable. Same applies to YAM_LoadOnHotIP.
// YAM_SayCmdOnHotIP = cmd Command used to send the bnet message. Either "/f m" or "/w charname" basically.
// YAM_MonitorDCloneMsg=true/false Set to true to monitor soj/walks msg in all modules (set Lang var properly)
// if the soj message or dclone walks show up,
// the bot will "force" load the HOTIP module and idle in the game.

YAM_DisplayIP = true;
YAM_AlertOnHotIP = "bnet";
YAM_SayCmdOnHotIP="/w *pisycowalnut1";


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// Team Botting configuration
// PublicMode = 0/1/2 0 - Private, 1 - Public, >1 - Supports Leeches
// YAM_TPMsg = value define the boardcast msg to use to signal to the team bots to enter your tp
// WaitForPortal = true/false; Set to true to wait for a YAM_TPMsg before entering tp
// rather than teleporting to the boss itself.
// YAM_UseFriendsList = true/false Set to true to use the "/f m" command for your team bots
// to join your game rather than message them individually
// if true, you need to add the accounts of your team bots
// to your bnet friends list!
// YAM_WaitInChat=true/false; false to bot as normal and true to wait in chat for team botting.
YAM_TPMsg="tp up";
PublicMode = 2;

// General configuration
// YAM_StartGameDelay = rnd(min,max) Random delay in milliseconds before game initialization.
// YAM_MinGameLength = number (sec) Minimum game length under which bot will stall after runs, in seconds.
// YAM_MaxGameLength = number (sec) Maximum game length before aborting, in seconds. Use 0 for infinite length.
// YAM_GameCatchup = number (msec) Time delay to let d2jsp catchup after an area change
// DC_Verbose = true/false Set to true to display various action messages.
// YAM_AbortNoMerc = true/false Set to true to abort the game if the merc is dead and failed to be ressurected.
// YAM_StopFullInv = true/false Set to true to stop the bot if the inventory and stash are full.
// YAM_StopNoRepair=true/false Set to true to stop if we have no enough gold to repair and some items is in critical level
// YAM_UseShrines = true/false Set to true to use shrines if they are found, during Meph or Shenk runs
// XP_SellBackItems = true/false Set to true to sell items your bmitems_XP.ini says not to keep to NPCs.
// XP_DropItems = true/false If XP_SellBackItems is set to true but gold is full, drop items instead (faster).
// XP_BossLOS = true/false Move closer to the boss if no LOS or too far
// XP_ImmuneQuit = number (monsters) If [x]XP_QuitImmune is set to true, chicken if the number of immune monsters reaches this value
// DA_LogChickens = true/false Set to true to log chickens. This only applies to chickens from LifeWatch
// DL_LogMode = 0/1/2 Item logging level, 0 by default.
// 0 = minimum (snagged, kept, bought and gambled only).
// 1 = normal (added dropped, ignored and sold).
// 2 = full (added snagged for val. and full stats of identified items).
// YAM_MustIdle=true/false Set to true to force YAMB to idle (uses HOTIP module idler)
// Useful if you need to perm your mule.
// DSN_LogRunes=true/false Set to true to log runes for the rune console.
// YAM_LifeWatchPath = "path" Path to the life watcher tool to use.
// YAM_MonsterWatchPath = "path" Path to the monster watcher tool to use.
// YAM_PartyUpPath ="path" path to the party up tool to use.
// YAM_ClearInv = true/false Set to true to clear inventory of junk before stashing and during npc interactions
// YAM_UseABM = true/false Set to true to use the Advanced Belt Manager (slower but gets full belt most of the time)
// YAM_StepPath = value Controls step-action during path move. Check YAM-Pathing.d2l for details.
// YAM_OpenChests = true/false Set to true to allow pather to open chests if they are found.
// YAM_StepPath also needs to be set correctly for this.
// YAM_HealPoison=true/false Heal if you get poisoned.
// YAM_MinionStatic=number; Number of static on minions. 0 to turn off.

YAM_StepPath=3; // leave it alone unless you know what you are doing
YAM_StartGameDelay = rnd(2000,3000); // Use rdn(0,0) or just 0 for no delay.
YAM_MinGameLength = 150;
YAM_MaxGameLength = 680; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !
YAM_GameCatchup = 1000;
DC_Verbose = true;
YAM_AbortNoMerc = false;
YAM_StopFullInv = true;
YAM_StopNoRepair = true;
YAM_UseShrines = false;
XP_SellBackItems = true;
XP_DropItems = true;
XP_BossLOS = true;
XP_ImmuneQuit = 4;
DA_LogChickens = true;
DL_LogMode = 0;
YAM_LifeWatchPath = "tools/YAM-LifeWatch.d2j";
YAM_PartyUpPath = "tools/YAM-PartyUp.d2j";

// Boss specific configuration
// CountessSafeCheck = true/false Set to true to check for curses and hp/mp (go to town if needed before the fight.)
// AndySafeCheck = true/false Set to true to check for curses and hp/mp (go to town if needed before the fight.)
// MephSafeCheck= true/false Set to true to check for curses and hp/mp (go to town if needed before the fight.)
// ShenkSafeCheck = true/false Set to true to check for curses and hp/mp (go to town if needed before the fight.)
// PitSafeCheck = true/false Set to true to check for curses and hp/mp (go to town if needed before the fight.)
// MXP_DoMoat = true/false Set to true to use Moat trick for Meph (get him to follow and attack from across bridge.)
// MXP_AlwaysGoAct4 = true/false Set to true to exit Meph's lair though red portal (false to use a TP.)
// MXP_OpenUberChest = true/false Set to true to try to open the Uber Chest after killing Meph (will silently fail and go on if it's locked and you don't have keys.)
// Do not set MXP_OpenUberChest unless you have
// selected to kill Meph at the Boss configuration.
// DC_BuyKeys = true/false If you want to buy keys, set to true (recommended for opening the Uber Chest if needed)
// PXP_EscapeThroughPortal = true/false Set to true to escape through red portal after killing Pindle (false to use a TP.)
// CXP_ClearLevel = true/false Set to true to kill monsters around the entrance to each level
// MXP_WatchMon = true/false Set to true to watch for Death Damage Monsters in Durance level 3
// [x]XP_QuitImmune = true/false Set to true to quit if we are surrounded by monsters that are immune to all our defined attacks
// Format is [x]XP_QuitImmune where [x] is the first letter of the boss: P=Pindle, C=Countess, A=Andy,
// E=Eldritch, S=Shenk, B=Baal.

CountessSafeCheck = true;
MephSafeCheck = true;
AndySafeCheck = true;
ShenkSafeCheck = true;
PitSafeCheck = true;
MXP_DoMoat = true;
MXP_AlwaysGoAct4 = false;
MXP_OpenUberChest = false;
PXP_EscapeThroughPortal = false;
DC_BuyKeys = true;
CXP_ClearLevel = true;

// Item evaluation configuration
// DSN_SnagItINIFile = "path" Set this to the ini you want used for snagit
// DT_BMitemsINIFile = "path" Set this to the ini you want used for bmitems
// DT_GamblItINIFile = "path" Set this to the ini you want used for bmgambleit
// DT_ShopItINIFile = "path" Set this to the ini you want used for bmshopit
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are the .ini settings for items evaluation for YAM
// See http://www.blizzhackers.com/viewtopic.php?t=191488 for a guide on configuring those.
// And please do NOT post questions related to these in the YAM thread !!
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

DSN_SnagItINIFile = "snagit_XP.ini";
DT_BMitemsINIFile = "bmitems_XP.ini";
DT_GambleItINIFile = "bmGambleIt_XP.ini";
DT_ShopItINIFile = "bmShopIt_XP.ini";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// DSN_MinGoldStack = number Minimum gold stack amount to pickup. Set to 0 to ignore all gold stacks, 1 to pick all.
// DSN_PickPotions = true/false Set to true to include potions in the pickup checking.
// DSN_SnagType = number Type of pickup: 0 = Best item first and 1 = Closest item first
// DSN_LogGold = true/false Set to true to log gold pickups.
// DSN_UseTK = true/false Set to true to use Telekinesis to pick certain items.
// DSN_SnagRange = number Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here.
// DSN_GoldSnagRange = number Radius to check for gold (usually smaller than item range.)
// DSN_SnagDelay = number This is the amount of time to wait before snagit picks up items.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

DSN_MinGoldStack = 200;
DSN_PickPotions = true;
DSN_SnagType = 0;
DSN_LogGold = false;
DSN_UseTK = true;
DSN_SnagRange = 40;
DSN_GoldSnagRange = 25;
DSN_SnagDelay = 200;


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// Cubing settings
// YAM_EnableCubing = true/false Set to true to enable cubing
// YAM_TempSnagFile = "path" Auto generated file to save items needed for cubing (gems etc.)
// YAM_CubeConfig = "path" File containing the recipies you want to use.

YAM_EnableCubing = false;
DIM_TempSnagFile = "tmitems.ini";
YAM_CubeConfig = "YAMB/common/YAM_CubeConfig.d2l"

// Stashing configuration
// DT_FreeSpace = number Minimum number of free columns: if less full columns are free, go to stash.
// DT_MinGoldToStash = number Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash.

DT_FreeSpace = 3;
DT_MinGoldToStash = 50000;

// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
// This allows you to keep charms in inventory. Note: If you have an empty spot set to 0
// the item that appears there during a run will NEVER get stashed.
// (Useful if you have lots of space and want to use the bonuses of freshly-ID'd charms.)
// WARNING: Make sure that you have set this correctly otherwise you can lose
// your existing items!


// Sicojola's Automule configuration
// Automule is solely the work of Sicojola. Although the XP scripters have been nice enough
// to include my script as an option in their bots, they are not responsible for Automule.
// Do not bother the XP scripters with Automule-related material if you choose to use this option.
// Furthermore, although I consider Automule safe for your items, I take no responsibility for any items
// you lose due to this script. *** YOU USE THIS SCRIPT AT YOUR OWN RISK ***.
// YAM_Automule = true/false Set to true to use Sicojola's Automule script (you have to download and configure it separatly.)
// YAM_StopFullInv MUST be true to use this feature
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

YAM_Automule = false; // UNTESTED !

// Belt configuration
// YAM_UseBeltManager = true/false Leave at true if you want the bot to buy potions.

YAM_UseBeltManager = true;

// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too (untested!).
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// Recommendation: Since YAMB supports potion-swapping there is no point in reserving
// a column for rejuvenations anymore.

DT_BeltColType[0] = "hp"; // Column 1 in belt
DT_BeltColType[1] = "hp"; // Column 2
DT_BeltColType[2] = "hp"; // Column 3
DT_BeltColType[3] = "mp"; // Column 4

// Minimum amount of potions in each column before needing refilling.
// If there's less potions then this number in the column we go and shop.
// Set to 4 to go shopping as soon as there's a potion missing.
// Leave columns set to "rv" at 0, since shops don't carry rejuvs.

DT_BeltColMin[0] = 3;
DT_BeltColMin[1] = 3;
DT_BeltColMin[2] = 3;
DT_BeltColMin[3] = 3;

// ShopIt! and GambleIt!
// YAM_ShopIt = true/false Set to true to shop every npc you talk to, false to skip this.
// YAM_GambleIt = true/false Set to true to gamble at Anya and Gheed each time you talk to them.
// YAM_AlwaysGamble = true/false If GambleItOn is set to true, always go to Anya and Gheed to gamble.
// YAM_GambleMinGold = number Set a minimum amount of gold before starting to gamble.
// YAM_RandomNPC = true/false Set to true to always visit a random NPC before a run.
// YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = true/false Set to true to always visit the local healer before a run.
// YAM_AlwaysRepair = true/false Set to true to always visit the repair npc before a run.
// YAM_AlwaysAkara = true/false Set to true to always visit Akara when in act 1.
// YAM_AlwaysCharsi = true/false Set to true to always visit Charsi when in act 1.
// YAM_VisitGheed = true/false Set to true to always visit Gheed when in act 1.
// YAM_AlwaysOrmus = true/false Set to true to always visit Ormus when in act 3.
// YAM_AlwaysMalah = true/false Set to true to always visit Malah when in act 5.
// YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = true/false Set to true to always visit Larzuk when in act 5.
// YAM_VisitAnya = true/false Set to true to always visit Anya before killing Pindle if ShopIt is true.
// Will also shop after comming back if PXP_EscapeThroughPortal is true.

YAM_ShopIt = false;
YAM_GambleIt = true;
YAM_AlwaysGamble = false;
YAM_GambleMinGold = 250000;
YAM_RandomNPC = false;
YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = false;
YAM_AlwaysRepair = false;
YAM_AlwaysAkara = false;
YAM_AlwaysCharsi = false;
YAM_VisitGheed = false;
YAM_AlwaysOrmus = false;
YAM_AlwaysMalah = false;
YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = false;
YAM_VisitAnya = false;

// Randomisation configuration
// DC_RandomDel = true/false Set to true to randomise all delays to make the script harder to detect by blizz
// DM_RandomMove = true/false Set to true to make your movements random
// DM_RandomMoveDel = true/false Set to true to make movement delays random

DC_RandomDel = true;
DM_RandomMove = true;
DM_RandomMoveDel = true;

// Debugging informations
// DC_DebugLevel = 0/1/2/3 0 = none, 1 = print to file only, 2 = print to screen only, 3 = both
// DC_DebugPrintDel = number How long you want to have the script pause after a debug print.
// DC_AbortPrintDel = number How much time to display the error message before stopping or aborting the game.
// DA_DisplayImmunities = true/false Set to true to display boss' immunity, auras and enchantments on screen.

DC_DebugLevel = 0;
DC_DebugPrintDel = 0;
DC_AbortPrintDel = 2000;
DA_DisplayImmunities = true;


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// ADVANCED SETTINGS - Change the values only if you are experiencing problems running the script.
// DT_NPCDelay = number Amount of time after interaction or trade with npc to avoid missing menu or trade window.
// DC_LagDelay = number Lag delay for all interactions with items in milliseconds (increase if it misses items sometimes.)
// DC_Timeout = number Timeout delay for various loops, in SECONDS.
// DC_SwitchTimeout = number Timeout delay for weapon switch loops, in SECONDS.
// DC_ClickDel = number Delay used when using mouse clicks, in milliseconds (increase if you are missing clicks).
// DM_WalkDel = number This is the delay between steps. Change this if you are having problems with black walls.
// XP_TeleDist = number Distence between steps with BotOS pathing. Script will limit you at 30.
// XP_StepDelay = number Delay between steps with BotOS pathing.
// DM_ChangeAreaTimeout =number Delay to wait until the area change (using wp or stairs).
// Increase this if you get too much "Failed to interact".
// DC_UseCheckLoop = true Set to true to use a loop to check up to 3 times (may slow the run a little.)
// This will be useful to solve the problem with the monster detection.
// MXP_BridgeWait = number Set the amount of ms to wait until the bridge is up when using red portal to act 4.
// DSN_UsePathing = true/false Set to true to use BotOS pathing to pickup items (setting this to false seems to fix an error and it shouldn't be needed.)

DT_NPCDelay = 750;
DC_LagDelay = 10;
DC_Timeout = 3;
DC_SwitchTimeout = 3;
DC_ClickDel = 100;
DM_WalkDel = 250;
XP_TeleDist = 30;
XP_StepDelay = 100;
DM_ChangeAreaTimeout = 10000;
DC_UseCheckLoop = true;
MXP_BridgeWait = 1500;
DSN_UsePathing = false;

// End of general configuration section

// Sorceress section
function Sorcvariables() {

// Precasting configuration
// DA_UseCTA = true/false Switch to and use your CTA weapon runeword when doing the precasts.
// DA_AutoPrecasts = true/false Set to true to ignore the config below and automatically detect which skills to use for precasts.
// DA_Refresh=true/false Set to true to refresh your precasts by default, if DA_AutoPrecasts is false
// XP_ColdArmor = 0/1/2/3 Cast a cold armor (0 = disabled, 1 = Frozen, 2 = Shiver and 3 = Chilling)
// XP_EnergyShield = true/false Cast Energy Shield
// XP_ThunderStorm = true/false Cast Thunder Storm

DA_UseCTA = false;
DA_AutoPrecasts = true;
XP_ColdArmor = 0;
XP_EnergyShield = false;
XP_ThunderStorm = false;
DA_Refresh = false;

// Baal configuration
// SkipBaal = true/false Skip killing baal. Suggested for public run.
// AvoidHydra = true/false Set true to go back to town to avoid the councils' hydras.
// VenomLordCTA = true/false Set true to cast BO after Vemon Lord has been killed.
// NextGamemsg="text" What you want to say for the next game.
// preMeteor=true/false Cast meteor before minion spawn.
// preBlizzard=true/false Cast Blizzard before minion spawn.
// MonsterSearch=number How many time it search for surround monster. Value: 2-8.
// MonsterWait=number How many SECOND you should wait in throne before start searching for monster left over.
// AbortDoll=true/false Abort run if dolls around.
// RemovePoison=true/false Set to true if you want to go back to town to remove the poison from the unraverler.
// BXP_KillBaalMsges What you want to say before killing Baal (picked at random)
// BXP_NextGameMsges What you want to say for the next game (picked at random)
// BXP_ClearFirst=true/false Set to true to clear the area around the tp first before saying the YAM_TPMsg msg
BXP_KillBaalMsges.push("lets kill baal");
//BXP_KillBaalMsges.push("kill baal");
//BXP_KillBaalMsges.push("go to baal");
//BXP_KillBaalMsges.push("lets do baal");
//BXP_KillBaalMsges.push("do baal");

BXP_NextGameMsges.push("next game");
BXP_NextGameMsges.push("gogo next game");
BXP_ClearFirst = true;
SkipBaal = true;
AvoidHydra = false;
VenomLordCTA = false;
NextGamemsg="I'll make next game, see you there";

// Cow variables
// Cow_OpenOnly=true/false Set to true to only open the cow portal(doesnt enter it)
// Cow_NoKing=true/false Set to true to prevent killing cow king
// Cow_PortalClearMsg=string Portal clear message. It is only 1 word long, end with a space!
Cow_PortalClearMsg="portalclear ";

// Diablo variables
// DXP_UsePather=true/false Use Pather from waypoint to Chaos Sanctuary
// DXP_SafeCheck=true/false Set to true to check for curses and hp/mp (go to town if needed before the fight.)
// DXP_ChaosKamikaze=true/false Set to false to kill monsters from waypoint to Chaos Entrance
// DXP_SealKamikaze=true/false Set to false to kill monsters from Chaos Entrance to Diablo Circle
// DXP_QuitIfNoDiablo=true/false Set to true to quit the run, if Diablo is not going to spawn
// DXP_Retries=x Set to the number of retries to return and open the seal, if failed
DXP_UsePather = false;
DXP_SafeCheck = true;
DXP_ChaosKamikaze = true;
DXP_SealKamikaze = false;
DXP_QuitIfNoDiablo = false;

// Attack configuration
// Bosses section.
// YAM_SorcSkill.push(number) The first attack in the list will be used first
// To use a skill, remove the // in front of the line and to disable one add it.
// You can use any number of timed and untimed spells. The script will alternate between them in the order
// that you list them, in a pattern of first timed, first untimed, second timed, second untimed, etc...
// So you can list any number of spells but the order in which you list them will determine which timed
// spell goes off in what order, and likewise for untimed spells. For instance, if you list Frozen Orb,
// Meteor, Blizzard and Nova, the script will cast Frozen Orb, Nova, Meteor, Nova, Blizzard, Nova etc...
// YAM_SorcSkill sets the default skill configuration. You can also specify different skills for each boss!
// Format is [x]XP_SorcSkill where [x] is the first letter of the boss: P=Pindle, C=Countess, M=Meph, A=Andy,
// E=Eldritch, S=Shenk, B=Baal,T=ThreshSocket.
// If don't specify any skill for a boss, it will use the default configuration. If you specify ONE skill for a
// particular boss, you must specify ALL those you want to use.
// For example, this is the configuration I use. It will use Orb and Chain for Pindle, only Chain for Countess,
// Eldritch and Shenk and Orb and Lighting for the rest i.e. Meph and Andy.

PXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Pindle Frozen Orb
PXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Pindle Chain Lightning
EXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Eldritch Chain Lighting
EXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Eldritch Frozen Orb
//MXP_SorcSkill.push(64); // Mephisto Frozen Orb
MXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Mephisto Blizzard
CXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Countess Chain Lightning
AXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Andy Frozen Orb
SXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Shenk Chain Lightning
BXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Baal Frozen Orb
TXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Thresh Chain Lightning
TXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Thresh Frozen Orb

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(64); // Frozen Orb
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(59); // Ice Blast
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(55); // Glacial Spike
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(48); // Nova
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(62); // Hydra
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(56); // Meteor
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(38); // Charged Bolt
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(47); // Fire Ball
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(51); // Fire Wall
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(49); // Lightning
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(53); // Chain Lightning


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// Monster skill section
// Monster_SorcSkill.push(number); Same format as above, this is the list of skills to use on normal monsters.
// The first skill in list the monster is not immune to will be used.
// This is currently only used in Shenk module and to clear Eldritch loot.
// Will no doubt be used more and allow timed/untimed alternance in next version...
Monster_SorcSkill.push(53); // Chain Lightning
Monster_SorcSkill.push(64); // Frozen Orb
//Monster_SorcSkill.push(64); // Frozen Orb

// Configurable variables for bosses.
// XP_TimedFirst = true/false Set to true to cast your first listed timed spell before casting untimed spells.
// Recommended with Frozen Orb or Blizzard, spells which freeze and slow mobs...
// [x]XP_Static = number This is the maximum number of times you want static field to be cast on each boss.
// If set to 0, it will not be cast. When the Boss reaches hp at which static no longer
// affects him on current difficulty, it will stop casting no matter how high the numbe here.
// XP_UntimedRepeat = number This is the number of times to cast each untimed spell when only using untimed spells.
// XP_MaxAttacks = number This is the maximum number of attack sequences used to attack each boss and his minions.
// If he is still alive after this many attacks, the game will abort!
// XP_SwitchOnKill = true Set to true to switch to the weapon with the greatest magic find before killing boss.
// [x]XP_SwitchHP = number Amount of monster HP remaining out of 128 (e.g. 10/128 = 7.8%) before switching weapon.
// [x]XP_StallKill = true/false Set this to true to let your merc get the last hit.
// [x]XP_StallHP = xx This is the amount of hp of 128 that you will stall at for the merc to kill.
// XP_StallSkipPhys = true/false Set to true to not stall if a boss is immune to physical attacks.
// XP_MephDodge = true/false Set to true to dodge Meph's missiles (set to false if you want to tank or have a good merc to tank in front of you.
// XP_TeleDodge = true/false Set to true to dodge using Teleport, false for walking dodge.
// PXP_OffsetY = number This is the y coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Pindle.
// Set to 0 or a negative number to be far from mobs and 10 to be close.
// Only 0-10 would be an advisable number to use here, higher than 10 makes you REAL close!
// PXP_OffsetX = number This is the x coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Pindle.
// The position is relative to the side walls of the temple. Right wall is at 3 and left is at
// -10 but the script will limit yourself to -5 because a section will block attacks.
// AXP_OffsetX = number This is the x coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Andariel.
// The position is relative to the center. Right wall is at 13 and left at -13.
// AXP_OffsetY = number This is the y coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Andariel.
// Set to 0 to be far from Andy and 10 to be close. Only 0-10 would be advisable;
// higher makes you real close and lower than 0 might pretty far.
// EXP_OffsetX = number X coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Eldritch.
// EXP_OffsetY = number Y coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Eldritch.
// For both X and Y, a value over 0 means closer and below 0 means farther.
// SXP_OffsetX = number X coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Shenk.
// SXP_OffsetY = number Y coordinate of the last teleport before attacking Shenk.
// XP_KillMinions = true/false Set to true to kill all minions before picking items.
// XP_MinRange = number Minimum range before dodging Meph (to avoid getting too close.)
// XP_MaxRange = number Maximum range before dodging Meph (to avoid being too far from him.)
// XP_OptRange = number Optimal Distance for Mephdodgefunction (must be between Min and Maxrange!!!)
// MXP_ChestStand=true/false Open the 2 chests and the weapon/armour stands.
// MXP_KillCouncils=true/false Kill all the other councils members. Becarefull, Bremm sometime spawn with conviction.

// General section
XP_TimedFirst = true;
XP_UntimedRepeat = 3;
XP_MaxAttacks = 50;
XP_SwitchOnKill = true;
XP_StallSkipPhys = true;
XP_MephDodge = true;
XP_TeleDodge = true;
XP_KillMinions = true;
XP_MinRange = 12;
XP_MaxRange = 16;
XP_OptRange = 14;

// Pindle section
PXP_Static = 0;
PXP_SwitchHP = 40;
PXP_OffsetY = -3;
PXP_OffsetX = 2;
PXP_StallKill = false;
PXP_StallHP = 20;

// Countess section
CXP_Static = 2;
CXP_SwitchHP = 40;
CXP_StallKill = false;
CXP_StallHP = 20;

// Meph section
MXP_Static = 4;
MXP_SwitchHP = 10;
MXP_StallKill = false;
MXP_StallHP = 10;

// Andy section
AXP_Static = 0;
AXP_Kamikaze = false; // More aggressive and dangerous attacks toward Andy
AXP_SwitchHP = 10;
AXP_StallKill = false;
AXP_StallHP = 10;
AXP_OffsetX = 2;
AXP_OffsetY = 3;

// Shenk section
SXP_Kamikaze = false; // More aggressive and dangerous attacks toward Shenk
SXP_Static = 0;
SXP_SwitchHP = 10;
SXP_StallKill = false;
SXP_StallHP = 10;
SXP_OffsetX = -1;
SXP_OffsetY = 0;

// Baal section
BXP_Static = 0;
BXP_SwitchHP = 10;
BXP_StallKill = false;
BXP_StallHP = 10;

// Eldritch section
EXP_SwitchHP = 10;
EXP_Static = 0;
EXP_StallKill = false;
EXP_StallHP = 10;
EXP_OffsetX = 9;
EXP_OffsetY = 7;

// ThreshSocket section
TXP_StallKill = false;

// Travincal section
TrXP_Static = 0;
TrXP_SwitchHP = 10;
TrXP_StallKill = false;
TrXP_StallHP = 10;
TrXP_OffsetX = 2;
TrXP_OffsetY = 3;

// Mercenary configuration
// DT_UseMerc = true/false Set to true to watch out for mercenary, revive him when he dies, etc.
// XP_EnchantMerc = true/false Set to true to cast Enchant on your merc when doing other precasts.

DT_UseMerc = false;
XP_EnchantMerc = false;

// Other configurations
// DT_RepairPercent = number (%) Go repair if any of your items fall below this percent of durability.
// DT_SkipHealLife = number (%) If you have more than this percent of your life, you won't go to a Healer. Also the percent of life at which Safe Check will go to heal before a boss.
// DT_SkipHealMana = number (%) If you have more than this percent of your mana, you won't go to a Healer. Also the percent of mana at which Safe Check will go to heal before a boss.

DT_RepairPercent = 25;
DT_SkipHealLife = 75;
DT_SkipHealMana = 35;

// Zombie attack! (Zombies in Pindles courtyard)
// XP_AttackZombies = true Attack the Zombies in the courtyard after killing Pindle.
// XP_ZombieStand = true Stand still to attack Zombies...

XP_AttackZombies = false;
XP_ZombieStand = true;


Aug 26, 2004
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New Jersey
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// Immunities/Resistances/Enchantments to skip
// Set each to true to chicken out if a monster is immune to that kind of damage.
// Thanks to D32v1n for contributing to some of these settings

DA_Immunities[1] = false; // Physical
DA_Immunities[2] = false; // Magic
DA_Immunities[3] = false; // Fire
DA_Immunities[4] = false; // Lightning
DA_Immunities[5] = false; // Cold
DA_Immunities[6] = false; // Poison

// Immunities Combinations
// Method: if set to true, will chicken with that immunities# / immunities# combination
// DA_ImmunitiesCombo[next number] = new Array(immunities#,immunities#,true/false);

DA_ImmunitiesCombo[1] = new Array(1,5,true); // Immune to Physical and Immune to Cold
DA_ImmunitiesCombo[2] = new Array(3,5,false); // Immune to Fire and Immune to Cold
DA_ImmunitiesCombo[2] = new Array(4,5,false); // Immune to Lightning and Immune to Cold

// Set each to true to chicken out if a monster has that enchantment.

DA_Enchantments[1] = false; //Extra Strong
DA_Enchantments[2] = false; //Extra Fast
DA_Enchantments[3] = false; //Cursed
DA_Enchantments[4] = false; //Magic Resistant
DA_Enchantments[5] = false; //Fire Enchanted
DA_Enchantments[6] = false; //Lightning Enchanted
DA_Enchantments[7] = false; //Cold Enchanted
DA_Enchantments[8] = false; //Mana Burn
DA_Enchantments[9] = false; //Teleportation
DA_Enchantments[10] = false; //Spectral Hit
DA_Enchantments[11] = false; //Stone Skin
DA_Enchantments[12] = true; //Multiple Shot

// Enchantment Combinations
// Method: if set to true, will chicken with that enchantment# / enchantment# combination
// DA_EnchantmentsCombos[next number] = new Array(enchantment#,enchantment#,true/false);

DA_EnchantmentsCombos[1] = new Array(6,12,true); // Multiple Shot LE
DA_EnchantmentsCombos[2] = new Array(1,3,false); // Extra Strong Cursed
DA_EnchantmentsCombos[3] = new Array(2,8,true); // Extra Fast Mana Burn

// Set each to true to chicken out if a monster has that aura.

DA_Auras[1] = false; //Conviction
DA_Auras[2] = true; //Might
DA_Auras[3] = false; //Holy Fire
DA_Auras[4] = false; //Blessed Aim
DA_Auras[5] = false; //Holy Freeze
DA_Auras[6] = false; //Holy Shock
DA_Auras[7] = true; //Fanaticism

// Enchantment / Aura Combinations
// Method: if set to true, will chicken with that enchantment# / aura# combination
// DA_EnchantAuraCombos[next number] = new Array(enchantment#,aura#,true/false);

DA_EnchantAuraCombos[1] = new Array(1,2,false); // Extra Strong Might
DA_EnchantAuraCombos[2] = new Array(1,7,true); // Extra Strong Fanaticism
DA_EnchantAuraCombos[3] = new Array(2,2,true); // Extra Fast Might
DA_EnchantAuraCombos[4] = new Array(2,7,true); // Extra Fast Fanaticism
DA_EnchantAuraCombos[5] = new Array(2,5,false); // Extra Fast Holy Freeze
DA_EnchantAuraCombos[6] = new Array(6,1,true); // LE Conviction

// Immunity / Aura Combinations
// Method: if set to true, will chicken with that immunity# / aura# combination
// DA_ImmunityAuraCombos[next number] = new Array(immunity#,aura#,true/false);

DA_ImmunityAuraCombos[1] = new Array(5,7,true); // Immune to Cold and Fanaticism
DA_ImmunityAuraCombos[2] = new Array(3,2,false); // Immune to Fire and Might
DA_ImmunityAuraCombos[3] = new Array(5,2,true); // Immune to Cold and Might

// End of sorceress section


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