In 400 years we will all be dead because of SUV's.
1. SUV's emit so much carbon monoxide that global warming melted all the ice caps and the sea level went up a few inches.
2. Then it was the fishes' turn in the evolutionary tree to evolve into super fish which grew into a more evolved type of man with water breathing skills.
3. Slowly Fish-man starting taking over world banks, stock markets, and invested in Copper and Gold Bars. They became the richest on earth. (& sea)
4. Now that the sea level is a couple inches higher man starts dying off because the sea level rose. And Fish-man can breathe both air and in water.
5. Fish-man hires illegal Mexican immigrants, and pays them even less of a wage then Americans did, to build large tanks to keep the population of Man and Woman in. Man cannot do anything and dies because sea level is up several inches. Fish-man in debt to Mexicans and lets them live in peace back in the jungles.
6. Fish-man now the most intelligent beings on Earth with IQ of maybe 80. Fish-man becomes angry and lazy that they have to use the feet they evolved so they enslave Mexicans to carry them around in Mexican driven carriages.
7. Mexicans revolt and loose because Fish-man can breath in the several inches of water the rose when the ice caps melted.
All living things but Fish-man is dead. Man died in line 5.
8. Fish-man with all their wealth and water world of several extra inches rule for the next thousands of years.