BattleForums Senior Member
I need to post this due to I can't reply on other post
It's come to my attention that there is some confusion about what "The Asylum" is here for. Basically, it is here to talk about mature subjects that some people don't want to hear. This forum is unmoderated for the most part and as long as you follow the 5 rules below, you will be in good standing. Please note that the asylum is a priveledge. If you break these rules, you'll probably be banned without warning and all your past posts will be deleted automatically.
Here are the 5 main rules of thumb.
1. Spamming is not tolorated.
2. Advertising is not allowed.
3. Pornographic/illegal material is not tolorated. This includes posting links to pornographic/illegal sites.
4. Posting of personal information (phone numbers, home addresses, passwords, ect.) is not tolorated.
5. Post in the correct forums. If your post doesn't belong in the asylum (IE: If you post is about Pindlebot), don't post it in here, post it in the correct forum (unless you want to get shit on and have your post get flamed beyond belief!)
Other than that, pretty much anything goes. Racist terms/jokes, religion bashing, country bashing, political bashing, race and game bashing is all welcomed. You can also feel free to bash any of the moderators and myself as much as you want (while keeping in mind the rules above). I don't care about that. We are all big boys and can handle it... and you all should beable to handle it also. If you can't, then stay the hell out of the asylum.
It's come to my attention that there is some confusion about what "The Asylum" is here for. Basically, it is here to talk about mature subjects that some people don't want to hear. This forum is unmoderated for the most part and as long as you follow the 5 rules below, you will be in good standing. Please note that the asylum is a priveledge. If you break these rules, you'll probably be banned without warning and all your past posts will be deleted automatically.
Here are the 5 main rules of thumb.
1. Spamming is not tolorated.
2. Advertising is not allowed.
3. Pornographic/illegal material is not tolorated. This includes posting links to pornographic/illegal sites.
4. Posting of personal information (phone numbers, home addresses, passwords, ect.) is not tolorated.
5. Post in the correct forums. If your post doesn't belong in the asylum (IE: If you post is about Pindlebot), don't post it in here, post it in the correct forum (unless you want to get shit on and have your post get flamed beyond belief!)
Other than that, pretty much anything goes. Racist terms/jokes, religion bashing, country bashing, political bashing, race and game bashing is all welcomed. You can also feel free to bash any of the moderators and myself as much as you want (while keeping in mind the rules above). I don't care about that. We are all big boys and can handle it... and you all should beable to handle it also. If you can't, then stay the hell out of the asylum.