OK...This is going to very important IMO.
I'm building the PERFECT Zealot; this will be different though, this will be built to kill other zealer---only zealers.
Everyone probally knows how it feels to put so much time into a character and not have it work the way you imagined it to.
This is why I am asking for all your help, (except for the noobs, no offense).
The stats:
STR-enough to equip
VIT-all the rest
Items: (this is where I really need you guys)
Helm- COA, Shako, Andy's
Armor- archon Stone, E-Valor, archon Enigma
Belt- Dungos
Boots- Imps, upped Gores
Gloves- Dracs, Rends
Jewelery- Angelics, or highlords/raven/soemthing else
Weap- E-Death Cleaver, E-Botd zerker/warspike, Doom zerker
Weap switch- 6 bo CTA / + skill shield
I know i must have 75/90% all resists, at least 86% fhr, max block, and alot of ar.
I appreciate the help guys THANKS
I'm building the PERFECT Zealot; this will be different though, this will be built to kill other zealer---only zealers.
Everyone probally knows how it feels to put so much time into a character and not have it work the way you imagined it to.
This is why I am asking for all your help, (except for the noobs, no offense).
The stats:
STR-enough to equip
VIT-all the rest
Items: (this is where I really need you guys)
Helm- COA, Shako, Andy's
Armor- archon Stone, E-Valor, archon Enigma
Belt- Dungos
Boots- Imps, upped Gores
Gloves- Dracs, Rends
Jewelery- Angelics, or highlords/raven/soemthing else
Weap- E-Death Cleaver, E-Botd zerker/warspike, Doom zerker
Weap switch- 6 bo CTA / + skill shield
I know i must have 75/90% all resists, at least 86% fhr, max block, and alot of ar.
I appreciate the help guys THANKS