By the way, a quick tip on using Shared Vision triggers: the trigger has to be for the player who is getting the vision, not for the player giving it. For example, if you want Player 5 (a computer) to give shared vision to Player 1 (you), then the trigger has to be:
Player 1
Run AI Script - Turn ON Shared Vision for Player 5.
Then it takes anywhere between 1 and 5 seconds for the shared vision to turn on. I figured you'd want to know that, because most people make the mistake of using a trigger like that for Player 5 and trying to turn on shared vision for Player 1, which of course would make you give the computer vision, something that has absolutely no impact on the game whatsoever, and thus making you think that your trigger is broken or that the AI Script doesn't work.
Something to keep in mind. Ask if you require additional help.