Yo, a hack that works is call "STACK"
here are the steps to get it.
1.Get on the internet(DUH)
2.go to the site
you will go to a site. you will see three boxes. at the top of them they sould say
left box: headlines
centerbox: latest files
right box: ssotw
3. look in the center box and click and the name "stackhack"
it will lead you to a whit screen site. In the top left corner it will have a name "pafiledb" with a "3" below it.
4. look that the thing that says "download file" below it and you will see a rectangular box that says "category jump", click on it and go to the word "hacks".
5. this will lead you to a screen that list hacks. The second to top hack that reads "stackhack" is the one that works, Click on it. then it iwll lead you to the screen i told you about in step 3. this time you click and "download file" That will take you to another page. Once that page is downlaoded go to the bottom and click on the words "I Agree" then it will show the downlaod file. Download it and use it.
How to Use it:
First get on Starcraft B.NET.
then minimize starcraft and get on Stackhack. click help and it will tell you how to use it.
Good luck. From darkarchon