I can help with a story, just start the map, and when you get some where, send me a copy and i can help,
this so sounds like
NAME:Champions of Norrath (PS2,XBOX,CUBE)
Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance (PS2,XBOX)
The Legend of Alon Da(little ` above the a but the other way)r(PS2)
i didn't come up with those but... you could add some "God" item that you can name the game after, like an item that is a sword, that replaces your unit with a super guy, who has a sword, and can attack 5 guys at a time thing, you could call the sword "Blade of Points" or some thing, then name the game after it, you also should add secret items that are "dark" items and add huge damage, speed, etc. just a thought
I have a idea i want to try, and if you make the map i can add it for you, it would be a system to "save" your unit, it would give you like a 21 digit number that would tell the game
1st 5#s) Unit Type, down to Race, Type, Class, Level and code it
2nd 6#s) Items
3rd 5#'s) stats coded
4th 5 #s) Gold and location
i want to try this and make it "code it" so you can keep your hero over time, and it will be kinda complicated, but really good, certian numbers will chagne mattering on what character your ahve or some thing