I know you have heard this 10000 times before.


Mar 17, 2004
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But will somone please help me. If your on useast or uswest ladder i will give you an OHM rune for helping me.

rishiods Pindle bot.
here is what it does. It opens diablo/logs into my account/makes a game/and my sorc sits there for like 5 seconds before leaving just to do it over, and over, and over. I would really like it if somone would **REMOVE THERE USER NAME AND PASS** and send me there pindle.ini file. Like i said there is an OHM in it for you. Please please please help i am sick of fighting this thing. This is what i have.If you see anything please post.

; pindlebot.ini for use with Rishodi's Pindlebot v1.2b

; Global Settings
; D2Exe=Drive:\...\Diablo II.exe -parameters
; This specifies where the bot will run Diablo II from, and with what parameters.
; The following parameters must be set for the bot to function correctly:
; -skiptobnet -w -res800 -title "Diablo II"
; D2Path=Drive:\Folder\Other Folder
; Specifies the install path for Diablo II
; D2Kill=executable that will terminate all running Diablo II processes + errors
; A working one is "d2kill.exe" which is included with this bot (thanks to CoreM1000)
; If you want to disable this feature, just leave it blank
; The bot will still work if you don't want to use this feature, just not as well
; e.g. D2Kill=d2kill.exe
; MoveWindow=0/1
; Specifies whether or not the Diablo II window will automatically be moved to
; the top left corner of the screen, default is 0
; NoPickup=0/1
; Specifies whether or not the bot should set "/nopickup" at the start of each run
; 0 = command will not be sent, 1 = command will be sent
; If you have set "GroundSelect = FALSE" in pickit.ini, then set this to 0
; Default is 1
; UsePickit=0/1
; Whether or not you want to use pickit to get items. 0 = pickit off, 1 = pickit on
; You should probably turn this off if pickit is incompatible with your PC, to make
; your character just do experience runs.
; When this is enabled, the bot will type ".set pickit 0" and ".set pickit 1" at the
; proper times, in conjunction with ZoiD's zPickit
; Default is 1
; Runs=number of runs you want to do. For infinite runs set this to -1 (default)
; SlotToUse=specifies which slot to use (configure your slots below)
; If you only use one character for runs, you may set this, otherwise you can leave
; it blank and the bot will prompt you for which slot to use before the runs start

D2Exe=C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -skiptobnet -w -ns -lq -res800 -title "Diablo II" -nonotify
D2Path=C:\Program Files\Diablo II

; Slot Configurations
; Slot configurations allow you to define settings for multiple characters
; You may set the default slot to use above (if you only use one character for runs)
; You can name your slots anything you want, and you may have as many as you want
; They should look something like this:
; [slot1]
; Account=BobsPizza
; Password=pepperoni
; .
; .
; [slot2]
; Account=VegasHooker
; Password=nightprowler
; .
; .
; etc.
; Account=Account name, duh
; Password=password for the account listed above
; CharPosition=position of the character you wish to do the runs with
; Positions on character selection screen are as follows:
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; 7 8
; Precast1=Key;Key;...
; configures passive spells
; i.e. Sorc's Energy shield, Barb's War cry... which will be cast before entering
; red portal.
; Example for sorceress: Precast1=F5;F6;
; F5=Energy shield, F6=Shiver Armor
; Precast2=Key;Key:...
; Works just the same as Precast1 except this precast will be cast AFTER you enter
; the portal... thunderstorm, warcries, etc. should go here
; e.g. Precast2=F7;
; F7=Thunderstorm
; If you only want to use one precast, leave the other blank and it will be skipped
; Teleport=Key,Delay;
; specify teleport, currently only supports teleport, not walking/running
; Teleport delay is dynamic, with a variable of 400 ms (see delays below)
; Example: Teleport=F4,800;
; F4=Teleport
; AttackSequence=Key,Repeat,Button,Delay;Key,Repeat,Button,Delay;... etc.
; Key - key to press (F1, F2, F3,...)
; Repeat - number of times to repeat the attack
; Button - which Mouse button to use, 1=left, 2=right
; Delay - delay between attacks
; so for example: Attack=F2,2,2,1500;F3,6,2,400;
; Let's say F2=Meteor and F3=Fireball then this configuration would right-click
; to cast Meteor twice with a delay of 1500 ms in between, then right-click
; to cast Fireball 6 times with a delay of 400 ms.
; NeedMerc=0/1
; Set to 0 if you don't need your merc, 1 if you do (will res merc when it dies)
; Default is 0

Account=Your not
Password=That lucky

; Delay Settings
; Most delays are customizable. Delays that have a variable will be denoted as such. For
; delays that are dynamic (random), please enter the minimum value. For example, if
; your mouse click delay is set to 400, the random variable is 200 which will create
; a random delay of between 400 and 600. All delays will be preset to their defaults;
; you may personalize them based on your own computer and connection speed.
; Delay Description
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; dStart Static - time to wait for D2 to start and go to login screen
; dActivateWindow Static - delay after activating the Diablo II window
; dLogin Static - delay after logging in
; dCharSelect Static - delay after selecting character
; dMouseClick Dynamic (200 ms) - delay after mouse clicks
; dMoveWindow Static - delay after moving Diablo II window
; dCreateGame Static - delay after creating game
; dGetCorpse Static - delay after picking up corpse at beginning of run
; dRunning Dynamic (500 ms) - delay between clicks while running to portal
; dEnterPortal Static - delay for entering red portal
; dPickUpItems Static - delay before leaving game after attack sequence
; dExitGame Static - delay after leaving game to go back to chat



Mar 17, 2004
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i can put it on 100000 and it will do the same thing

can you send me your config please.


Respected Member
May 19, 2003
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dont give your items away just for a bot. i'll help you for free... anyways, this belongs into Bots and editors ;)


Respected Member
May 19, 2003
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rking , you should define the slot you want to use :

find this line and change it


it should be




Jul 3, 2003
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ya know whats wrong with my settings?

; pindlebot.ini for use with Rishodi's Pindlebot v1.3

; Global Settings
; D2Path=Drive:\Folder\Other Folder
; Specifies the install path for Diablo II, default is "C:\Program Files\Diablo II"
; D2Exe=Diablo II.exe
; Specifies the name of the Diablo II executable (default is "Diablo II.exe")
; D2Parameter=Parameters to load Diablo II with.
; The following parameters must be included for the bot to function properly:
; -skiptobnet -w -res800 -title "Diablo II"
; D2WinTitle=title of the D2 window, default is "Diablo II"
; Note: this setting should match the window title in the -title parameter above
; GameName=string
; The bot will use this to make the game name, along with a number, cycling though
; the numbers 01-99
; Default is the first three letters of your account name
; PauseButton=key or key combination that will pause the game
; Must be in AutoIt3 format. Default is {PAUSE} (the pause/break button)
; If you wish to use a key combo, note: ^ = CTRL, ! = ALT, + = SHIFT, # = WIN
; e.g. If you set "^!p" then the bot will pause on CTRL+ALT+P
; AwayMessage=away message to display during the runs
; Leave it blank if you don't want to use an away message
; MoveWindow=0/1
; Specifies whether or not the Diablo II window will automatically be moved to
; the top left corner of the screen, default is 0
; UsePickit=0/1
; Whether or not you want to use pickit to get items. 0 = pickit off, 1 = pickit on
; You should probably turn this off if pickit is incompatible with your PC, to make
; your character just do experience runs.
; When this is enabled, the bot will type ".set pickit 0" and ".set pickit 1" at the
; proper times, in conjunction with ZoiD's zPickit
; Default is 1
; NoPickup=0/1
; Specifies whether or not the bot should type ".set gselect 0" at the start of each run
; 0 = command will not be sent, 1 = command will be sent
; If you have set "GroundSelect = FALSE" in zoid.ini, then set this to 0
; If you have set "GroundSelect = TRUE" in zoid.ini, then set this to 1
; Any other configuration may result in the bot accidentally picking up unwanted items.
; This setting will have no effect if UsePickit=0 (above)
; Default is 1
; Runs=number of runs you want to do. For infinite runs set this to -1 (default)
; MaxVariance=Maximum % that the delays will be randomized by. Set to 0 for no random delays.
; Default is 20
; Stash=how often you want to visit stash to deposit gold and items
; E.g. if Stash=15 then the bot will visit stash once every 15 runs
; Set to 0 to disable stashing, set to 1 to stash on every run
; Default is 10
; RunInterval=# of runs to do at one time
; After this many runs, the bot will sleep for a given amount of time. Default is 200.
; Set this to 0 to disable run intervals.
; IntervalVariance=how much to vary the run interval by. Default is 50. For example, if the
; run interval is 200 and the interval variance is 50, then the random run interval
; will be between 150 (200 - 50) and 250 (200 + 50). Valid range: 1 to RunInterval - 1
; SleepTime=how long, in seconds, to sleep after the run interval. Default is 900 (15 mins).
; SleepVariance=how long, in seconds, to vary the sleep time by. Default is 600 (10 mins).
; E.g. if your sleep time is 900 and your sleep variance is 600, then after a run
; interval the bot will randomly sleep between 300 (900 - 600) and 1500 (900 + 600)
; seconds, which is equivalent to between 5 and 25 minutes. Valid range: 1 to SleepTime - 1
; SlotToUse=specifies which slot to use (configure your slots below)
; If you only use one character for runs, you may set this, otherwise you can leave
; it blank and the bot will prompt you for which slot to use before the runs start

D2Path=C:\Program Files\Diablo II
D2Exe=Diablo II.exe
D2Parameters=-skiptobnet -w -ns -lq -res800 -title "Diablo II" -nonotify
D2WinTitle=Diablo II

; Slot Configurations
; Slot configurations allow you to define settings for multiple characters
; You may set the default slot to use above (if you only use one character for runs)
; You can name your slots anything you want, and you may have as many as you want
; They should look something like this:
; [slot1]
; Account=BobsPizza
; Password=pepperoni
; .
; .
; [slot2]
; Account=VegasHooker
; Password=nightprowler
; .
; .
; etc.
; Account=Account name, duh
; Password=password for the account listed above
; CharPosition=position of the character you wish to do the runs with
; Positions on character selection screen are as follows:
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; 7 8
; Difficulty=1/2/3
; 1 = Normal
; 2 = Nightmare
; 3 = Hell (default)
; Precast1=Hotkey,Delay;Hotkey,Delay;...
; configures passive spells
; i.e. Sorc's Energy shield, Barb's War cry... which will be cast before entering
; red portal.
; Example for sorceress: Precast1=F5,500;F6,500;
; F5=Energy shield, F6=Shiver Armor
; Precast2=Hotkey,Delay;Hotkey,Delay;...
; Works just the same as Precast1 except this precast will be cast AFTER you enter
; the portal... thunderstorm, warcries, etc. should go here
; e.g. Precast2=F7,600;
; F7=Thunderstorm
; If you only want to use one precast, leave the other blank and it will be skipped
; Teleport=Hotkey,Delay;
; specify teleport, currently only supports teleport, not walking/running
; Teleport delay is also affected by 'MaxVariance' (above)
; Example: Teleport=F4,800;
; F4=Teleport
; AttackSequence=Hotkey,Repeat,Button,Delay;Key,Repeat,Button,Delay;... etc.
; Hotkey - key to press (F1, F2, F3,...)
; Repeat - number of times to repeat the attack (use 'H' to hold down the mouse button)
; Button - which Mouse button to use, 1=left, 2=right
; Delay - minimum delay between attacks, also affected by 'MaxVariance' (above)
; so for example: Attack=F2,2,2,1500;F3,6,2,400;
; Let's say F2=Meteor and F3=Fireball then this configuration would right-click
; to cast Meteor twice with a delay of 1500 ms in between, then right-click
; to cast Fireball 6 times with a delay of 400 ms.
; For precast, teleport, and attack sequences, you may set the hotkey to "NULL" and
; the bot will not send a hotkey.
; E.g.: Precast1=NULL,500;
; will simply make the bot pause for 500 ms.
; NeedMerc=0/1/2
; Set to 0 if you don't need your merc, 1 if you do (will res merc when it dies)
; Set to 2 if you want the runs to stop when merc resurrection is unsuccessful
; If set to 1, the bot will attempt to resurrect merc every run, but continue runs
; If set to 2, the bot will stop runs after 5 failed resurrection attempts
; Default is 0
; HealLife=# hit points
; If your health goes below this amount then the bot will use a potion from your belt.
; Set to 0 if you don't want to use this feature. Be sure to disable potion use for
; zPickit (in 'zoid.ini'). You cannot use a percentage for this setting. Default is 0.
; If this setting is disabled, then chicken is disabled as well.
; ChickenLife=# hit points
; If your health goes below this amount while you are in Nihlathak's Temple then the
; bot will immediately exit the game. It is recommended that you do not use zPickit
; chicken and this chicken at the same time. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this
; feature. After chickening, the bot will use a potion from your belt upon entering
; the next game, if needed. You cannot use a percentage for this setting. Default is 0.
; This feature will automatically be disabled if it is greater than the HealLife amount.


; Delay Settings
; Most delays are customizable. All delays will be randomized by the % denoted above in
; 'MaxVariance' in the Global section. For all delays, enter the minimum value. For
; example, if your mouse click delay is set to 400, and MaxVariance=20, the variable will
; be 20% (80ms) which will create a random delay between 400 and 480. All delays are
; preset to their defaults, you may personalize them based on your own computer and
; connection speed.
; Delay Description
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; dMouseClick Delay after mouse clicks and most key presses
; dGetCorpse Delay after picking up corpse at beginning of run
; dPickUpItems Delay before leaving game after attack sequence
; dCloseD2 Delay after closing all Diablo II-related processes



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