Originally posted by pyro_junky
blew up a bucket filled with gas.
but gas in my sink and lit it.
blew up a car with a roman candle
set of an entir box of fire works
my freind threw a bottal filled with gas that was on fire in a mindless panic burning off all my left leg hairs... witch have not grown back :angry (have that happen and tell me more about pain please.)
and many more.
and im not stupied enuf to light my hand on fire for 3 minutes... dotn get me wrong now, i am stupied just not that stupied.
no not my buitiful face... i dont mind burns anywere else besides my face.
Want to know more about pain? Okay, here goes...
Carving your GF's initials into your arm about three inches deep, cutting through your muscle while doing so then putting rubbing alcohol inside of it then putting ink inside to make a tatoo(Which you have to use a safety pin to dig the ink into your cut.)
Taking a knife and slicing your arm from your forearm to your elbow, fifty seven stitches I think it was?
Cutting your leg open by having your bike handle bars jamming into your legs, bike accident. Handle bars went right into my leg, had to pull it out and I have the scar still.
Safety pin stunt, seven through your arm then ripping them out while closed, your skin will break open and gush blud(Make sure you don't hit any veins.)
Hold a tweaked lighter over your hand for two minutes while teachers are trying to pull your hand away from it.. Was pissed off, second degree burns.
Hm, what else have I done. Well, Thirty foot cliff, jumped off it with my bike, killed my rims and my frame and broke my left leg...
Juvenile Hall, when I was 14. Stabbed in the stomach, went four inches in, almost hit my stomach. All they did was stitch it up and put me back in the court... Then got jumped again, lol...
So I win!