There are four fundamental assumptions bad critics make, and, in less that 3 lines, you made two of them, namely, that there is one universal and objective measure of how good and bad anything is, and that anyone that doesn’t possess this skill, this assumption (including the creator of the work, myself) is an idiot and should be ridiculed.
But where you really poke yourself in the eyeball, my dear critic, is that you make the ridiculous assumption that proper english is required as a fundamental medium for my creation, when in reality, anyone who knows anything about art knows that the medium doesn't matter, its the result. After all, Pollock may have been a retard, but nevermind who he was, nevermind how he did it, only the end, the resulting work, matters.
Now, if I were you, for the sake of our readers and for the sake of the people who still see you as major intellectual figure of these forums, I'd content myself with criticizing asylum material. Now, for the monocromic ending, which has become my trademark, according to my critic : :dance