I don't care for gloryholes.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Joe's Garage.
Damn dooods *burp* I'ves seen the vids for those stuffs but when I got one I Lidn't Dike it.... wait, ya.

Anyway I just got back, my friend just dropped me off. Its started off as us just pounding and thrashing beers. And I just said I wantted one if I can be honestly, I said I would really like one if I'm being possitiviedly honest with yous.

So he drives me to his "connects" house. Its in this bushy outsdoorseies ****. Anyway My friend jonny boy points me to a "receptical" He said he sits in a chair and just smacks on junk all day.

Well first of all its was very chilly there. I don't care for catchin the sickness. And the booth she was seatted in was very rough, had some crawlers on it too. with patches of stickyness... Really, uh, whats that word... Sappy. Plus they had this weird music in the background, a lot of birds, crickets, and i think I heard water.

Anyway I stick myself in and end up waiting for 10 minutes before I feel a tickles... I think she was wearing Fur or something because it was... It was like a nice little duster brushin up on it. I guess to let you know the wait is over. And then after she breathed on me for 5 minutes she just. Boom. Startes rippin iinto my veins trying to reroute the second and fifth street of the vas deferens.

Well I pulled out and just ducted taped my peice. I am sick of sticking my thing in dark dank holes anyway.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Joe's Garage.
i couldnt understand that to be quite honest.
Well if were being honest I think even I kinda lost what I was going for if were being completely honest.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Joe's Garage.
Wow I what I went for was a drunk men telling about how some dick taking him to get a glory hole when actually i just stuck my dick in a tree.

And then after she breathed on me for 5 minutes she just. Boom. Startes rippin iinto my veins trying to reroute the second and fifth street of the vas deferens.
Thats a hysterical line for what its worth.


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